Monday, December 12, 2016

Dear friends and family, what a great week. I know I say this every week, but this week was crazy!

On Tuesday we followed up with M,  the Chilean lady that we found 2 days earlier. She let us right in, and we met her son. They are pretty active in the 7th day Adventist church, but very open and willing to learn, read, and pray about the Book of Mormon. We had a really good lesson with them on the Restoration. Half way through the lesson M's other daughter S came out and joined! M tried to read the Book of Mormon, but didn't really understand it, and neither did her sonl because they are super Spanish and stuff ;) so luckily we brought 2 copies of the book of Mormon in Spanish! They were thrilled! M is such a sweet lady, after our lesson, she went into the other room and told us to wait, so we waited and talked to her son for like 20 minutes, and then she came out with empanadas. She's the best! Found a family!! :) 

Elder Matautia and I got our new Golden companion, fresh from the mtc on Thursday! His name is Elder Aldous from Nampa Idaho! He is half Korean, and is just the man. he was the senior class president at his school, so he is a good natured people-person. He honestly fits right into our companionship because he has the same sense of humour as Elder Matautia and I. 

Elder Matautia was really sick this week. so we had to exchange with the Kenwick elders quite a bit, so elder matautia could get his rest/whatever else he needed. So Elder Aldous, Elder given and I were pretty much companions for 2 days. We went to an elder's Christmas party, and met and talked and taught these African dudes who were friends with the member in the ward. The dude I was talking to had dreads. It was funny because I was explaining to him a little bit about what the party was all about, and I told him that there wasn't any drinks or drugs or anything at the party, and then he kind of took it the wrong way, and said, "I don't smoke man, I know it looks like I do because of my hair, but I'm clean man. " hahaha. 

Elder Given, Aldous and I were riding bikes, and I had this feeling that we needed to go see a less active, so we went there, and she opened the door, and said that we caught her at her worst. she said that her Sister was in the hospital in a coma, and is probably going to die. she was pretty "delirious" ( she said that herself)  and so she asked for a blessing. It was a powerful blessing that Elder Given gave her. It was cool to me how subltle the prompting was to go visit her. It just made me realize again how important it is to be in tune, and to pay attention to the smallest thoughts of inspiration. 

We are having a baptism on Wednesday! J is super pumped for it! I'll send some pictures :) 
Also, we are going to the temple this next week, so I won't email until next Wednesday!

I learned this week about how important the Book of Mormon is in the conversion process. As I've pondered this week on my own conversion to the Gospel, I have come to realize how massive of an impact the Book of Mormon has been throughout the whole process. Everytime I read that book with sincerity, looking for answers to my prayers, and looking for how I can align myself with Him, an answer ALWAYS comes. We are sooooooo blessed to have the Book of Mormon. 

I love you all family! merry Christmas.

Love Elder Beeson

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

G'day family and friends, what weekend!
We've been working a lot with our investigator J this week. He passed his baptismal interview, and so he will be baptized on the 14th at mutual! one of the priests will be baptizing him, it's going to be awesome!! His mom texted us sunday morning and told us that he didn't  have anything to wear, so we gave him one of my white shirts and a tie to keep. I love how simple his testimony is. 
Yesterday was pretty cool. We have been working a lot with the Ward family, they are progressing really well. We made oti with them ( a samoan drink)  and then had a lesson. C has heaps of questions, but all of them are sincere. He's an ex-bikie and loves anciet history, so when we introduced him to the Book of Mormon, he was pumped to read it! 

On our way back from that with them, we saw this old lady moving these massive palm tree leaves to the verge across the street, so we pulled over and asked her if we could help, she said yes. YES!  so we went and helped her and it turns out she is from Chile, so I tried my best to work my Spanish magic ;) and actually held a pretty decent conversation with her! She was so touched by us helping her, so she invited us in, and gave us something to eat, and we started to teach her a little bit of the Restoration and plan of salvation mixed, and told us that she would read and pray about the book of Mormon! So that was a cool miracle :) 
This morning we got permission from President Fife to go fishing with our investigator, so we got up at 5:30 and fished with him and his son all morning, it was fun! We had to dig for these worms that have pinchers as the bate, and yeah it was my first time fishing hahaha. such a boy scout ;) but I caught 5 fish! 
We got transfer calls last night, and Elder Matautia and I are going to be training a missionary! we are soooooooooooo pumped!! it pretty much guarantees me being here until march haha, its alright, I love this ward, and the ward family ;) 

I learned this weekend about how important it is to pray with real intent. Whenever we do, we are sure to get the answer. I've experienced getting answers to my prayers so many times, and it has always happened whenever I had the intention to act on the answer I was to receive. There is no better feeling than knowing you have a strong connection with Heavenly Father, there is nothing that can mirror it! 

I love you all family, and friends, stay warm ;) I will for sure ;) 

Love Elder Beeson

December 1st

Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14th-Albany

Dear family and friends, 
I cannot begin to explain how crazy this week was, it was awesome!!!!!! 
I'll go spiritual/ cool things that happened this week. 

So We've been working with C and K and they are both just suuuuuper keen. We went over on Tuesday and we had a super good lesson with C. He loves us, he showed us all of his prized possesions. He used to be a hard out bikie, but now he is a softie ;)

We shared Mosiah 3:19 with him and the whole time we were talking about it, you could just feel the clarity he was experiencing as we broke down the scripture with him. He was pretty much bearing testimony by telling his experiences with each line from the scripture. He gave us some spring onions from his garden, and we made some teriyaki chicken with them and gave them some, since K has been feeling ill. 

We got a call from a member in Doubleview ward who had  a prompting to call one of his clients from work, he told us that he called this friend ( D) and it turns out Dis in some big time need of help. He had to get all of his stuff put together and cleaned so he could sell his house. So we called D, and he was really happy when we told him that we could give him a hand, so we went to his house and did service there for a few hours. He made us sandwiches and told us that he isn't religious or anything but that he had questions, and then he went on to talk about all of these spiritual experiences he has had since splitting up with his wife. It has caused him to go from atheism to believing in something. We got to bear testimony to him that if he continued to follow the promptings that God would show him the way. He was wayyyy more positive about everything after we talked to him. 

It's cool how Heavenly Father is preparing ALL of his children to receive the gospel. Even the Atheist Aussies. and the rough bikies. He knows and loves them. It's such a blessing to be part of the work of harvesting those souls for Him. 

We also went to Albany Branch this weekend. President Fife gave us permission to go with one of the High councillors and the STL's to give them some training on how to do member missionary work. We had to wake up suuuuuuper early to go down there. (3am) and we got there right in time for church to start at 9. They were the nicest people there, and soooooooo welcoming.  Right after church we got a call from President Fife. Long story short, Elder Tua'itanu is getting emergency transferred to be the Assistant. Elder Matautia is my new companion! I have already served 4 months with Elder Matautia, but president told me that  I would be his last companion until he goes home in January. Crazy. This is all going down tomorrow. Then we travelled back up and took some pics along the way! It was fun :) 

I relearned this week how important it is to have the Holy Ghost with us in the work. We are the instruments, and the Holy Ghost does everything else. There is so much more clarity in life whenever we have the companionship of the Holy Ghost. It's something we have to work for to have, but it is definitely worth it. 

I love my mission, my companion, and my new companion
love yous too! 


Elder Beeson​

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016

Sorry Mom

Sorry mom!! haha liza said you were pretty mad that I didn't respond to your last email! But I will from now on be a little more personal. I kind of got rebuked in General conference for not writing very meaningful letters, so I will try my best. My letter today won't be all the sudden amazing, but I will work towards it :) 

That's really cool though that the stake had that fast on being a pornography free stake.  
I really do feel that it is the biggest spiritual disease ever! It's soooooooooooo so so nice to be a missionary though, and not have to worry about it. The truth of it though, isn't the fact that because I'm a missionary that I am protected, it is the fact that the spiritual habits I have are getting stronger and stronger. Anyone can have the clean life if they do the things you just said. 

I looooooooooooooooooooooooved conference. my favorites were Elder Cook and Elder Oaks of course ;) annnnnnnnnd Elder Cornish! Loved it!!

Love you mom! I'll do my best to write you every week now, because you are important to me and I love you :) 

What a week and  a half-ish! Lots has happened! Miracles all over the place.  So yes, we went to wave rock on Monday. It's suuuuuuuuper far away.  We didn't realize how far it was.  Literally it was a four hour drive.  But it was worth it though.  I got to catch up with my MTC companion, Elder Wheeler. He is serving down in Narrogin so he doesn't get to see other missionaries much, so it was cool!  We taught A that night, and we also felt inspired to go to the Conklins to invite them to host a cottage evening.  They accepted! Nice.

On Tuesday I felt prompted to call a less active who I used to visit when I served here last year. So we called him up, and he told us that he moved to Baldivis, but he told us that we should go visit this former that I taught when I served here before, so he described to us where he lived.  He told us to visit him, so after we hung up, we went there and he was home, we talked to him and he told us that lately he has just felt that he should give up drinking and smoking! He told us that he gave up drinking six months ago, and that he wants to quite smoking, and then when we told him about the Quit Smoking program, he was pretty keen to get going on that! He said the he would like to be baptized too!  What a miracle!

I went on exchanges with Elder Given this week.  We had lots of fun.  We made a subconscious goal to talk with absolutely everyone! There were some good experiences from it too!  We found this girl tracting who is from the new apostolic church.  She was pretty keen to come to conference! We biked to Gosnells down to the bottom of Harrisdale, which is pretty far!  It was good though.  

On Thursday, we had a real good lesson with A. My comp was just super bold in telling him that the only way to receive an answer to his prayer, he is just going to have to commit, and the answer will come.  It takes faith!  

On Friday, we had MLC.  It was nice to catch up with Elder Miller and Sto Tomas and Elder Matautia.  There have been heaps of amazing things happening throughout the mission  ever since Pres. Fife has been emphasizing the use of the Book of Mormon.  We've given wayyyy more BOM's than we usually do since he has.

I thoroughly enjoyed conference this time around.  A common theme to me throughout the conference was repentance, which is something I feel I have a night and day understanding of in comparison to before my mission.  I remember before my mission, I really wanted to know what repentance truly was and how to do it.  As I have come to know what it is, and more importantly felt it, I have been trying my best to share it with everyone I meet.  I really have been able to feel the Atoning power of Christ in my life. as I've been removing weeds of my life with wholesome good fruits. There is honestly, no greater feeling to me, than the feeling of forgiveness from the Lord.  It's funny because whenever we teach people about repentance,( we try to teach at least some part about it to everyone we talk to) and there are so many people who have never even heard the word!  I am soooooooooo so so grateful to know what repentance is, how it is made possible, and how to do it.  It is to me what brings the greatest amount of hope in life.  

I love you family and friends. I hope each of you experience the joy of repentance through applying the atonement. It is the greatest feeling, and the ONLY way to be able to feel completely pure.

Love to all!  CTR!

Elder Beeson

Canning Vale