Wednesday, December 7, 2016

G'day family and friends, what weekend!
We've been working a lot with our investigator J this week. He passed his baptismal interview, and so he will be baptized on the 14th at mutual! one of the priests will be baptizing him, it's going to be awesome!! His mom texted us sunday morning and told us that he didn't  have anything to wear, so we gave him one of my white shirts and a tie to keep. I love how simple his testimony is. 
Yesterday was pretty cool. We have been working a lot with the Ward family, they are progressing really well. We made oti with them ( a samoan drink)  and then had a lesson. C has heaps of questions, but all of them are sincere. He's an ex-bikie and loves anciet history, so when we introduced him to the Book of Mormon, he was pumped to read it! 

On our way back from that with them, we saw this old lady moving these massive palm tree leaves to the verge across the street, so we pulled over and asked her if we could help, she said yes. YES!  so we went and helped her and it turns out she is from Chile, so I tried my best to work my Spanish magic ;) and actually held a pretty decent conversation with her! She was so touched by us helping her, so she invited us in, and gave us something to eat, and we started to teach her a little bit of the Restoration and plan of salvation mixed, and told us that she would read and pray about the book of Mormon! So that was a cool miracle :) 
This morning we got permission from President Fife to go fishing with our investigator, so we got up at 5:30 and fished with him and his son all morning, it was fun! We had to dig for these worms that have pinchers as the bate, and yeah it was my first time fishing hahaha. such a boy scout ;) but I caught 5 fish! 
We got transfer calls last night, and Elder Matautia and I are going to be training a missionary! we are soooooooooooo pumped!! it pretty much guarantees me being here until march haha, its alright, I love this ward, and the ward family ;) 

I learned this weekend about how important it is to pray with real intent. Whenever we do, we are sure to get the answer. I've experienced getting answers to my prayers so many times, and it has always happened whenever I had the intention to act on the answer I was to receive. There is no better feeling than knowing you have a strong connection with Heavenly Father, there is nothing that can mirror it! 

I love you all family, and friends, stay warm ;) I will for sure ;) 

Love Elder Beeson

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