Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14th-Albany

Dear family and friends, 
I cannot begin to explain how crazy this week was, it was awesome!!!!!! 
I'll go spiritual/ cool things that happened this week. 

So We've been working with C and K and they are both just suuuuuper keen. We went over on Tuesday and we had a super good lesson with C. He loves us, he showed us all of his prized possesions. He used to be a hard out bikie, but now he is a softie ;)

We shared Mosiah 3:19 with him and the whole time we were talking about it, you could just feel the clarity he was experiencing as we broke down the scripture with him. He was pretty much bearing testimony by telling his experiences with each line from the scripture. He gave us some spring onions from his garden, and we made some teriyaki chicken with them and gave them some, since K has been feeling ill. 

We got a call from a member in Doubleview ward who had  a prompting to call one of his clients from work, he told us that he called this friend ( D) and it turns out Dis in some big time need of help. He had to get all of his stuff put together and cleaned so he could sell his house. So we called D, and he was really happy when we told him that we could give him a hand, so we went to his house and did service there for a few hours. He made us sandwiches and told us that he isn't religious or anything but that he had questions, and then he went on to talk about all of these spiritual experiences he has had since splitting up with his wife. It has caused him to go from atheism to believing in something. We got to bear testimony to him that if he continued to follow the promptings that God would show him the way. He was wayyyy more positive about everything after we talked to him. 

It's cool how Heavenly Father is preparing ALL of his children to receive the gospel. Even the Atheist Aussies. and the rough bikies. He knows and loves them. It's such a blessing to be part of the work of harvesting those souls for Him. 

We also went to Albany Branch this weekend. President Fife gave us permission to go with one of the High councillors and the STL's to give them some training on how to do member missionary work. We had to wake up suuuuuuper early to go down there. (3am) and we got there right in time for church to start at 9. They were the nicest people there, and soooooooo welcoming.  Right after church we got a call from President Fife. Long story short, Elder Tua'itanu is getting emergency transferred to be the Assistant. Elder Matautia is my new companion! I have already served 4 months with Elder Matautia, but president told me that  I would be his last companion until he goes home in January. Crazy. This is all going down tomorrow. Then we travelled back up and took some pics along the way! It was fun :) 

I relearned this week how important it is to have the Holy Ghost with us in the work. We are the instruments, and the Holy Ghost does everything else. There is so much more clarity in life whenever we have the companionship of the Holy Ghost. It's something we have to work for to have, but it is definitely worth it. 

I love my mission, my companion, and my new companion
love yous too! 


Elder Beeson​

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