Thursday, November 5, 2015

It's already November!

Hello family and friends!!
This week was quite the week. It was really rainy, but it was good!!
I don't have a lot of time today, but I'll share THE experience of the week.
So we went by S and R's house on Friday, and we rode our bikes there in the pouring rain (hard core ;) ). They let us right in, and Stan was like, "I'll give you guys 5-10 minutes." So we sat down in his garage/ living room, and he just started talking for ages. haha He talked about how he used to play rugby in new Zealand right below the pro level for 10 years. He also said that he liked to fight. he loves a good fight. haha but then he just turned to us and said that he wanted to hear what we had to say. So we felt prompted to teach him the plan of salvation, and I was prompted to form it around the fact that each one of us already knows about the plan, and that the only reason we are missionaries is to help people remember this plan. As we were teaching him, he was just SMILING the entire time!! he even said that we was starting to remember!! Holy cow!! the Spirit was soooooo strong and thick you could just cut it with a knife. Then we were talking about the kingdoms of glory and he was just saying how he had the warmest feeling in his heart that he knew what we were talking about was true. We helped him recognize that it was the Holy Ghost telling him that what we were saying was true! Then he was saying that he was excited to start fellowshipping in our church!! Then at the end of the lesson, we said a prayer, then he said a prayer, and he was crying quite hard. it was SOOOO GOOOOOD! It was the best lesson I've ever been in by far. :) he wants us to start teaching his family too!!
Another cool experience. We saw brother T this week and while we were there he asked us to give him a blessing. He asked Elder Macki to give the anointing and for me to give the blessing. This blessing was very unique because at least for me, whenever someone asks me to give a blessing, I right then start thinking about the things I'll say in the blessing. Then as I was giving the blessing, I had a very strong prompting to NOT say those things. I even tried saying one  of those things, then the spirit took control and completely changed the sentence. It was a very unique experience. The spirit was strong there as well.
The focus of this week seemed to be the power of sincere prayer. There were many prayers that were answered this week. Heaps of my prayers were. I love this work and I love having the spirit with me. I feel it everyday, and I especially feel it as I kneel in sincere prayer.
I love yous (that's a NZ thing) ;)
Love, Elder Beeson

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