Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23

Dear family and friends,
 This week was all over the place!

3 things from this week:

1) I don't know If I have already said this on emails yet, but in ward conference, the stake president here asked for each member of the stake to pray for miracles in regards to missionary work in EVERY SINGLE prayer offered, even over the food. The work here has been AMAZING ever since then! So we have been expecting miracles everyday, and they have been happening. Some are bigger than others, but overall, they are just happening!! So we went to this home that bishop wanted us to go to because it was a part member family, except the member got divorced from her husband, so it was just the non-members who live there now. Any who, we knock on the door and this dude is just right there, and he was just like, "oh come on in fellas!" So we went in and he sat us down and gave us some water, and we just started talking with him. So apparently he is the house owners son. He said that his daughters were members of the church. Then he said that he has been to the church before, but everytime he goes, he said that they try to set him up with a wife! haha So I asked him if that was the reason that he didn't want to come to church, then he said that he was super keen on the wife thing, but he just doesn't want to have to give up his drinking for a wife! haha so basically he is super keen to join the church! what the heck?! he said we can come back and teach him! 

2) We followed up on this potential we found while tracting the other day. haha when we tracted into her a few weeks ago, she answered the door while she was on the phone with her mom. She answered it, then her mom on the phone was asking who was at the door, so I yelled missionaries, then the mom on the phone was like " bugger off!" hahaha it was alright because the lady who was talking to her mom laughed too! Anywho, we came back this week and she let us in. So we got talking about the plan of salvation. She really seemed intrigued. She said we can come back and teach her too! It has just been way cool because the past two weeks we have had people actually let us into their homes through tracting!

3) haha I got a call on Friday morning from President Fife. He asked what time our district meeting was, and I was just freaking out! haha So yeah, he came to our district meeting. I had to do a lot of last minute preparations to make it look like I knew what I was doing! ;) haha It went really well though. I taught everyone how to throw their voice for the activity. President was just cracking up at that! haha thank you dad for teaching me that! 

But yeah, we have been doing HEAPS of finding, and we are finding success in tracting which is definitely a miracle :)

Love you all CTR!!!

Elder Beeson

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