This week was interesting. I decided that I'm not going to do the day by day emails anymore because that takes way too much effort ;) I'll share a few experiences I had this week.
This week was uniquely different than all of the other weeks on my mission so far. Instead of doing a member visit everyday, we doubled up on less active visits. It was hard work!Thursday was rough. ALL of our appointments fell through. We ended up tracting for 2 hours, and we didn't find any potentials. Actually even the potentials we found the week before who seemed super promising wanted nothing to do with us when we came back around. We had one guy give back a Book of Mormon! LAME!!!!!! After realizing how crappy our day went, we decided to work hard until then end of the day and just laugh it off. It worked just fine :)...Later that day we popped into one of our super solid investigators houses. As soon as we got off our bikes she came outside.. and I knew it was coming, she dropped us ;(. She was saying how her family doesn't like us coming over because they want to stick to their Maori beliefs. She said she was still super interested, but she didn't want to upset her family. She even said that she was reading the Book of Mormon, and LOVED IT! She was saying that she felt super good each time she read it. We invited her to pray and ask God what she should do. She felt really bad, but we left a really good last impression on her, and so I think she'll come back for sure!Later that night we went to S and R's house. We found them earlier last week while they were loading a couch from off the verge (look it up ;) ) We helped them load the couch in, and then we got talking, and they said that they were looking for a church to go to. S is Samoan, and R, is Maori. They are in their 50's. Super super nice people. They said we can come by anytime to share a message. So we went by Saturday night, and it was only R home. We talked to her on her doorstep for a good 45 minutes. She was telling us how important her family was to her and how a lot of her family members were dying. She was getting teary, and we were too! We told her how important families were to God, and that she will be able to see all of them someday! The spirit was SOOOOO STRONG. One of the most spiritual experiences of my mission so far. Especially after having that bible bash earlier, it helped so much to talk to a true Christian. I got the impression after we left that they will be baptized within a few months. It was a very strong impression. It made the day so much better! :)During companionship study yesterday we got a call from a random number (which I love) and the lady asked where our church was and what time it started. She said she'd come! What the heck?! Out of nowhere!! She actually did end up coming! It was this Taiwanese lady. She biked an hour through the rain to come to church!! She stayed all three hours too!! It was amazing because she came on ward conference, and we got to hear from the stake president, President Pemberton. His talk was sooooo powerful, and he talked about how miracles were ready to happen here, and that people would be drawn to the church. She was telling us after how she was just suddenly drawn to the church!! Crazy miracle. She lives in the Gosnells Elder's Area, and agreed to take lessons!! Super cool!It was a good week overall, but it had its rough moments. R is getting baptized next Friday! That'll be exciting!Hide original message
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