Monday, November 16, 2015

November 15

Dear family and friends,
This week was all over the place! I wish I could tell you everything that happened because there were some amazing things!!
3 things:
1) We really focused on finding this week. We were tracting and nothing was happening  (as usual) but then we ran into this lady who was vacuuming the back of her car. I didn't want to scare her so I walked up to her slowly. Then she turned off the vacuum and was like, "oh what's up"?!
She was really happy to see us. haha It threw me off. We got talking to her and she is a really awesome Christian lady. In fact she reminds me EXACTLY of where my sister Eliza would be at if she didn't have the gospel. She looked like Eliza and she acted just like her too! She let us in and we taught her about the Book of Mormon and about families. She was really intrigued by the Book of Mormon and so we gave her one! We said a prayer with her before we left, and she said one too. In the middle of her praying, she paused for a really long time, and the spirit just FLOODED the room! Sooooo cool!
2) The sisters gave us one of their investigators they contacted on the bus last week. hahah He's so funny. He looks like  Dr.House off of ... House. His name is M. He's been addicted to every drug you can think of, but he has the BEST heart. All he ever talks about is how he would do ANYTHING for his kids. Any who, we taught him a few times this week and he said at the end of the lesson that we had with him on Saturday that he had the best feeling after we taught him. It's true though. When we walked in, he was smoking who knows what and watching the news about Paris and it was just the worst spirit in there. But right after the closing prayer it was completely different. He was so much more calm and understanding of everything we were about and what we taught!  Loved it!
3) We went by to see S yesterday (the Samoan dude we met while he was picking up a couch off the verge) we were kind of worried about how he was doing because we haven't been able to get a hold of him for almost 2 weeks, and we were scared that we had scared him off with the Restoration lesson. So anywho, we went and talked to him, and he was just like, "yeah I was reading the 2nd chapter and I kept thinking to my self that maybe my whole life I have been part of this big church of the devil, because you never hear of Mormon priests getting caught up with bad things with kids." and I was thinking that it doesn't say anything about the great and abominable church until way after 1 Nephi 2, and so I asked him how far he really read, and he said that he meant to say he read to the 2nd book not the 2nd chapter!!!!! FAR OUT!!!!!!  Long story short, he is on 2 Nephi 25, and he told us that every time he reads that he knows he needs to start making serious changes in his life. He said that he wants it to last his whole life because he has been baptized 3 times. We taught him enduring to the end really quick and he said that he is sure that this is what he has been looking for! AMAZING. Super golden!! And yeah he has read that much in less than 2 weeks!!
Miracles are happening here! oh and btw I'm staying here for another 6 weeks. Canning Vale for life ;) I love y'all! keep the commandments! :)
Love, Elder Beeson

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