Sunday, November 8, 2015


G'day family and friends! What a week. hahah i'll just get right to it: the baptism

 so, first off our ward mission leader is basically out of commission because he has been very very ill for a few months, so we had to do EVERYTHING for the baptism. It was soooooo much planning. I've never planned anything in my life, so it was definitely a learning experience. I invited about half the ward annnnnd a total of maybe 15 people showed up. (that's counting everyone including other missionaries that came.) haha kind of sad. Anywho, we took a couple pictures, then we had the talks and stuff, then we went to the font. so... I didn't really take into consideration that I have only done baptisms in the temple a few times, and so I completely forgot how to hold his arms and everything. haha I was clueless. hahaha I now know that I should practice before the baptism. So it took me a solid 5 minutes to figure it out while in the font. The witnesses were all talking at once and so I didn't know who to listen to, but then we FINALLY figured it out. It was sad because the spirit was COMPLETELY gone, because one of the dudes from the ward was just yelling COME ON ELDER!!! haha I wasn't offended or anything though. haha so after we FINALLY figured it out, I put him down, but his knee came up, so I had to do it again! I got him down the second time. haha He's a pretty big guy, and apparently when I was putting him under the second time my veins on my neck were massive hahaha!! So yeah that's what happened. Definitely a memorable experience ;)

 We have been having heaps of miracles lately though. We are teaching this guy who was previously taught in Queensland by these other missionaries. He's from NZ and he LOVES basketball. It makes me laugh because he just seems like a brown version of jack. But yeah we taught him on Friday and out of no where he just brings up baptism, So I was just like, "So.. you're saying you want to be baptized then?" and he said yes!! haha his date is for December 4th! it was quite a treat :)

 Also, another miracle that happened this week (this one is pretty small) was we were riding our bikes (of course ;) ) down this busy street, and  the road was under construction so there was this lady holding the stop/ slow sign, and we went by, then I went right back onto the curb, and elder macki tried to, but he biffed it pretty bad! So I turned back around and one of the construction guys came over and helped him out. Then the lady we passed with the sign came over too. She was a medical person too apparently. So I was just talking to her while Elder Macki was dressing his wound, and she was super genuine. She was telling us about her family and stuff, but then she got called back to work the sign. So we left, and the people we were going to see weren't home so we went back to the site, and she was still there. So I wrote a little thankyou note to her and gave her our number and stuff. We have been praying everyday that she'll call us, but we'll see! I can't wait to see what the Lord has instore for us :)

I know that the Lord Will be more than happy to bless us when we are willing to sacrifice the things we REALLY DO NOT want to give up. But I learned this week that Discipleship is a process of being able to say, "I'm a disciple of Christ who USED to be a.... " and mine is drummer or something like that. But yeah, sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven!

 I love all of you. I keep you in my prayers. CTR!

love, Elder Beeson

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