Monday, October 12, 2015

K's for Days!!!! October 4, 2015

Dearest family and friends,
This week has been an absolute blur!
We have been riding our bikes so much. It's a good thing we don't have to worry about running out/ keeping track of how many k's we go because we ride ALL DAY EVERYDAY!

Tuesday-we went down to Armadale to play some basketball with a few other elders at a rec center place. After that, we went back to our flat and freshened up then we went to J's house and talked to him for a while we shared a scripture about trusting God. Then Brother M picked us up so Elder Mamea could go on ward visits, and so I could go home teaching with him. We went to the S's house and had a good lesson on enduring to the end. Then we met back up at the church and Brother M shouted us some Nandos!! nice :) We got take out and we ate it at our flat. Then we started our fast for the next day!

Wednesday-We had ZLC in the morning, then we went to sister M's house. We talked to her on her doorstep for an hour because she refused to let us come in and share a message We ended up sneaking a spiritual thought in there though ;) After that we rode to the H's which was ages away. We did an object lesson with talking about the importance of the sacrament. They liked it. Then we went to the P's, but Br. P wasn't home so we couldn't stay. Then we tried the M's, but Brother M wasn't home, so we couldn't stay there very long either. Then we went to S's. S&A and  were there, so we taught A the Restoration! He's a very good listener. We committed him to read the book of Mormon everyday by himself! nice! Then we went to go open the chapel for the sisters.
We were supposed to have dinner at A's, but then he cancelled last minute and said he'd drop it off at our flat. He got us NANDOS!! haha nandos to start and end our fast :) I didn't mind ;) then I mid-week correlated, and that was the night

Thursday-We went and did service until almost 4:00 at a less active's home. They had an orange orchard and they said we could take all the oranges we wanted! We did the service with Elder Brinkerhoff and Elder Suguturanga. It was hot that day too!! I darkened up a little bit. But when I say darkened, I really mean I got quite sunburned, but now it's turning into a tan ;)
It was crazy though because they have this spot in their backyard that looks EXACTLY like my backyard at home looking from the Abel's to the baseball field. I'll send a picture! It was freaking me out haha!
Sister T fed us lunch, and we took our oranges, and went home. We went to B's house. We shared a quick message and he gave  us heaps of less active referrals! We decided to go to one of them right after that. On our way there, we saw these two kiwis carrying groceries. We passed them then I had this feeling we should go back. We passed them like 5 minutes earlier, so I was doubting they were still going to be there. But they just so happened to be right where we last saw them!! what the heck?! The guy was talking to someone on the phone. Anyways, we got talking to them, and they were the NICEST, COOLEST people ever. They said they would love to have us come over anytime! They were so keen!!

After that we went to the less active's house and it turns out the girl we visited now has a partner. The guy was really cool. We talked to him and ended up teaching him the lesson! He said he wants to see what we're about. nice!! Then we rode to J's house. She was FINALLY home. We went over 2 Nephi 31 with her, because apparently she read it a few weeks ago. Then she said she'd come to church to figure out if it was true! Then we rode home and that was the night! It was a really good day :)

Friday-We weekly planned because we didn't have time to on Thursday. After that we went to try to visit 3 less actives, but none of them were home, and we rode ages to see them.. haha oh well. Then we talked to this lady on the street for a good half hour. She told us we can come back anytime to talk with her! nice! Then we had to book it to our dinner appointment at the N's! The N's are like the Indian/Burmese version of the Meyrings. Super nice house, and everything was super organized. We had some nice curry and really good dessert. They were telling us their conversion story the entire time. It was really cool. Apparently L. Tom Perry's nephew converted them.

We tried to see a less active, but they weren't home, J weren't home either. Then we went to the N's, and they were finally home! We talked about Church and doctrine for a long time, then we shared a scripture that dealt with everything they were talking about. After that we went home, and that was the night.

Saturday- We had a district blitz in the morning. I ran into a Scottish dude who talked to us for a while! hahaha I couldn't take his accent seriously because I was thinking of Dad!
I ate this fruit that was on this tree which tasted like a cross between a mango and apricot, but you had to peel it. That was cool.

We went back home to do 12 week and language study. After we went to sister L's house for lunch. She made a mean meat pie. After that we shared a quick scripture. haha it was funny because the whole day there was like no one on the roads because the footie grand final was happening, which is basically like super bowl sunday, and the local team here in WA was in the grand final. Apparently the west coast eagles got crushed. haha I know it sounds super irrelevant that I'm talking about this, but it really affected the work because everyone was just so ticked off! It was funny.

After that we went to S's. A wasn't home. We read a little bit of Mormon 9 with them. After that we saw Sister R and had a quick lesson on her doorstep about the sacrament.

Sunday-Lbailed on us on church in the morning, so we did 12 week and language study. After that we went to church, had mcm, then sat by S in the back. NONE of our investigators came ;( I was so bugged. Then during the middle of priesthood I got a call from President Fife! He called for news about transfers... and... I'm training!! woah!! haha so I'll find out who my new companion is on Thursday! Elder Mamea is going to Queens park with Elder Cranston. Man, I'm going to miss my companion. He's the best.

After that we went home and tried to visit a few people, no one was home. No one is ever home!! Then L picked us up and we had some dinner. After that she dropped us off at J's house. He's a less active guy. The coolest nicest guy though. He wanted us to bless his home because there has been weird stuff going on. Then he drove us home in his sports car and we took pictures with it! Then he offered us dinner for tonight! nice. Then I correlated and that was the night!

This week was an absolute blur! Each week is going by faster. Something I really learned this week is that if we, "Trust in the Lord with all [our] heart and lean not unto [our] own understanding," that he truly will, "direct [our] paths." I love the Lord. I love the work. I love Australia! Keep doing what you know you should!

love, elder Beeson

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