Monday, October 12, 2015

G'day family and Friends!
I had an awesome wild week! It's spring time here in WA which is like Utah's summer weather haha!

Wednesday-We went to the temple for p-day!! It was so nice! We were lucky getting there though, because I had no idea what trains and busses to take to get there, but then we saw a couple of other elders, and we just followed them! There were heaps of Elders that came too. It was so nice to be able to go back. I had heaps of different insights.
After that we went straight home, and as soon as we got home we had to go to our appointment at J and C's. We went there and their whole family was there, so they told us to come back the next day. haha we biked like 8 K's as fast as we could to even get there! oh well. Then we decided to have dinner and I needed to mid-week correlate so we went to the flat, and that was the night.

Thursday-Awesome day! We weekly planned in the morning, then we went to follow up to teach Bishop's Son's Friend named I. He was really excited for us to teach him. We went and asked his mom if we could teach him, and she said that it was fine. So we taught him and a few other friends in the park. We taught him the plan of salvation. He had heaps of questions, but that's kind of what you get when you teach kids! He committed to be baptized at the end of the lesson!! He'll be baptized on Oct 23rd! That was cool.
Then we had to walk to Js house but on our way there, we saw this black dude. Elder Mamea complimented the man on his jacket he was wearing, and the guy didn't really hear him, so he turned around after we passed him, and we ended up talking to him for a good 45 minutes on the street. Turns out this guy was from Ethiopia, and he was an Orthodox Christian. He apparently was a former investigator from Midland as well. He was kind of bashing on Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Then Elder Mamea bore his strong and simple testimony about Joseph smith. I bore my testimony about the Book of Mormon. hahahah I was SUPER bold with him. I shared with him 2 Nephi 33:10. He was pretty shut down (in a good way) after we bore our testimonies. It was very powerful. Then we got his information, and he said we can come by and teach him within the next week!! Nice!!!

Then we went to J's house. Their whole family was there. They are from the Phillipines. Apparently, it was the first time they have been together in 6 years. We taught the gospel of Jesus Christ through 2 Nephi 31. After that C said she wasn't interested! What the heck?! I think she'll be baptized later on, she just has so much more responsibility now that her family is here.

Friday-We tried to see Brother T in the morning, but he wasn't home. Then we went by W's house, and he was finally home. We talked with him and shared a quick scripture before we had to go to our next appointment. We went to the chapel to teach D, this Chinese dude. We had , this phillipino guy in the ward come to teach him too! We gave him a chapel tour and we taught the restoration as well. It was so dumb though because he just would not take a Boom of Mormon!! He said he was too busy to read it and that he wasn't going to take a book he was going to be too busy to read anyways! We tried convincing him for a while, but he wouldn't budge. He's a really cool guy. I actually think he will read it though after his studies calm down.
After that we went and taught I again. We had a talk with his mom, and his mom said she didn't want him to be baptized. She just wanted him to learn about religion. She said it's fine if we keep teaching him, but she doesn't want him to be baptized. I feel like we will be able to soften her heart before October 23rd though. :) Elder Mamea and I have the faith!
Then we taught him in his backyard. His mom was inside and listening through the screen door. After that we went to A's for dinner.

On our way there we tried this potential's house. We got there as soon as this lady's expartner pulled up. hahaha he cussed us out pretty bad. hahaha I just wanted to say calm down dude!! or mate haha whatever, but yeah, he hated us with a passion.
Then we got to the K's and played with the K's kids for a while, then they told us A wasn't there, so we had to go home because there wasn't another male. We shared a quick thought, then we rode home, and they dropped us off some pizza. After that we went to J's house, but he wasn't home, then we tried a few others, and they weren't either, then that was pretty much the night!

Saturday- We had a district blitz in the sister's area. The zone leaders couldn't come because they were doing service. We tracted this street and found 3 solid potentials. We had another really rude guy cuss us out again haha!!
Then we talked to this born again Christian for like an hour. Nicest man. Then the zone leaders picked us up and we ate kfc at this really nice park. 
After that we went to our flat, and waited for L&L  to pick us up. Then we went to their house to wash their car and eat. After that we walked to J's and she wasn't home, so that was pretty much the night!

Sunday- I played the Organ for Sacrament meeting!!!  I was so nervous though because I have never played an actual church organ before in my life. I didn't know exactly how the volume worked, so the first two songs were pretty quiet, but by the last hymn, I was blasting it! It was fun. Then we taught primary. 
After Church, we went to the F's house. They are the best people ever!! I drank like 5 glasses of this island drink It had mango, coconut and pineapple and milk in it.  Then I talked with brother F for a while about how the ward needs more excitement for missionary work!! After that we taught a quick object lesson about repentance. Then Brother F drove us home, and then we went to see a few people, but then no one was home as usual, then I correlated and that was the night.

Monday- We had an AWESOME district meeting. I really just let the Spirit guide the meeting. By the end of it, we were all pumped and edified to go to work!! We were all balling! Then we had lunch, then we went to the S's and talked with them for a while. We shared a scripture about faith. They really took it in and agreed. It was really good. Then we went to Sister B's, and S L's house. We found 2 potentials on the way there! We got there like 5 minutes before their home teachers walked in.  So we just testified to what they said, and I shared a scripture out of 1 Timothy relating it to the message they shared.
Then we had dinner at the P's. They are a fun family to talk to. Smart, funny people. They always have super good food too! After dinner we shared a message. Then we tried to go by J's house, but he wasn't home. Then we went to the C's and shared a message with them. They are the best family! Then that was the night!

Good week, very busy and successful week! Thank you for your prayers. I pray for all of you as well!

Love, Elder Beeson

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