Tuesday, September 1, 2015

This week has been pretty crazy. I don't have a lot of time, so I'll get right to it!
Monday- We went to the city and got some souveneir stuff. We went to the H's to say goodbye, then to the A's. Then we had dinner at the R's house. We followed up on our commitment with them to read the Book of Mormon everyday. It went well. Then we went and said goodbye to the k's and the f's, and that was the night.

Tuesday-We had District meeting. I made a map of my area/ward while we were there. Then we went to our flat and said our goodbyes to Elder Maybee, After that we went to P's house. His brother opened the door, and he said that we could teach him too. That was pretty neat. Then we went to Brother R's house. He was a little ill. He said we could come over the next day and help him out. Then we went and visited a couple formers. They weren't home. Then we ditched the bikes and walked since Elder Mamea had a bad bike crash earlier in the day hahaha! We tried visiting a couple more less actives but no one was home! We walked so much!!! It was good though I was very tired and happy at the end of the day.

Wednesday- Honestly, I can't think of what happened. I only remember the end of the day. We visited a former that Elder Mamea taught before, and she said we could come by on Sunday!! That was really cool. Then we walked to another former's house, and on the way, we saw the B's son and his friends playing cricket so we played with them for a little bit. Then we tried to visit J, but he wasn't home. The W's weren't home either. But we worked really hard again!

Thursday-We did our weekly planning, then we dropped by S's house, and E a potential, but neither of them were home. So we dropped by the K's to meet brother K's. He is a big guy and was way cool too. Then we went with A really quick to S's house to check up on him. While we were there, I got a call from Elder Wheeler my MTC companion!

I was so glad to hear from him. He's the man. Then We went back to the K's Then L, and L picked us up and we had a nice feed. Elder Mamea cut Li's hair while we were there. Then we went back home and that was the night.

Friday- We tried to visit Brother T but he was feeling very ill. So we walked to the K's to get our bikes. To be honest, Elder Mamea and I had no clue how to get there because we were walking through the parks. We got out of the park and we were in this weird neighborhood, and then we were back in a park and we ended up on this dirt trail in this swamp. We were lost for a good hour and a half. But we found our way to S's.

Then S gave us a ride to A's (which apparently is right around the corner) haha but we got there right in time for their family work out! Oh man. It was tough. I was sweating really bad. We had to do all this crazy stuff, and I hate working out, so that was a pain.

They fed us since we did it. Brother K made a mean barbeque and then we had a lesson with them. It was good, because  it turned into a discussion about faith, and about all the little things we have to do everyday to keep our faith.

After that we dropped by the B's house and we shared with them a quick message on prayer. Then he gave us some people to visit in the ward! NIce! Then we went back to the flat and that was the night!

Saturday- The A's picked us up at 8 and we did service for brother A's bus driver friend. It was a ton of weeding and trimming trees and bushes. It was some good work.

Then they hurried and got us some mackas and we got ready for our district blitz. The  zone leaders picked us up and we met at the chapel. The blitz went pretty well. We found 3 potentials in our area! That was nice. We also met Sister Johnson, the new sister in our district. She's from Malysia. Apparently they don't have last names there, so she just chose one!
After that we went to the appointment with P and his brother, but P was sleeping, and his brother was gone.
So we took the bus back to the chapel, and we had a district leader meeting. I met some of the new missionaries there too. Right after the meeting there was a culture night at the chapel. So we stayed, and we had L and L come. It was really fun. There were heaps of people there. After that L and L said they didn't eat enough so they took Elder Mamea and I to Hungry Jack's!
It was pouring rain all night. Then we went back to the flat for the night.

Sunday- We went to the chapel early so I could practice for that musical number for Brother T. We went through it once together before sacrament meeting. He looked pretty sick though. Then we played the musical number and a postlude thing .

Then after church we went by P's house. His brother was unloading some kitchenware in the front. He apologized for not being there on Saturday. He said we could come by again next Saturday a little bit later. Then we went to President Pemberton's house for dinner. It was only his wife and son that were home for the dinner. President and his daughter came in right as we were about to share our message. I think it went very well. Elder Mamea prepared a message about obedience.

President gave us some people to visit and we were off! We went to J's house. She had heaps of her Chinese friends and family over. They were having some pretty authentic Chinese food. I loved it! They had squid, shee, crab, tofu, fried tofu, and other weird stuff. I liked it though! Then we taught her a lesson on Alma 32. She really liked it. Apparently she has been taught heaps, so we will have to review a lot of that stuff. She was really nice to us. She gave us some sodas to take home, and we set up a return appointment. Then we went back, and I did my first full week correlation. It wasn't too bad!

This week has been really busy. Elder Mamea and I really had to step up and work together. It was a lot of fun. I know that we can do anything if we rely on the Saviour!

I love you all, keep doing what's right!

Elder Beeson

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