Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dear Family and Friends,

This week and a half-ish has been awesome!! So much excitement! :)) There are so many flies!! I get them stuck in my arm hair, and in my eyes when I ride my bike!

Monday- We had our zone p-day. We did some kickball and capture the flag. I guess it was pretty fun. People got too competitive though, hahah and I am not competitive at all. We invited this Chinese guy named D to come and play with us. He came. He was a cool guy. We have never met him before, he was the one guy who we got a phone call from the other day, who was wanting to learn English! Cool, smart guy. He wasn't awkward either, he just joined right in and played. So that was good. Then we went to the Y's for dinner. We had a good lesson with them about a scripture in Alma 34 and related it to a scripture in Ether 9, I would explain, but I don't have enough time! We challenged them to give away a couple BOM's as a family. Then we tried a couple potentials, and that was the night.

Tuesday- We had district meeting. I felt inspired to teach my district to start flooding the area with the Book of Mormon. It really hit me hard, that that's what the people here in the Thornlie District need. I think it went pretty well. After that, we tried to go visit sister B's but she wasn't feeling well. Then we went to the S's and had a pretty good discussions with them. We talked about keeping the Sabbath day holy, (which was interesting btw because they are 7th day Adventist) and we talked about Adam and Eve. It was a LONG talk. It was good though. They are the nicest people. We love going over there too because they are a samoan/ tongan family, and they ALWAYS feed us heaps haha! then we went on ward splits. I went with Brother M to a couple homes, then we went home and had dinner, and that was the night!

Wednesday-Busy day! We had interviews with President in the morning, then we went back to the flat to finish our studies. After that we had lunch then we dropped by P and M's houses. (P is from Togo. M is from Indonesia)They were both home surprisingly! We gave P a BOM, and we invited M to church.

After that we went back to our flat so Elder Mamea could have language study with Elder and Sister Comb. Then we went to the Chapel and had a lesson with the recent convert, E. He's he is struggling a little bit. His family doesn't know he joined the church, and he doesn't want them to know either because his family is Catholic. We had a good lesson on 2 Nephi 32 and talked about the Holy Ghost. We had sister M come as well because she is pretty good friends with E. It was a really good spirit there. Then we quickly rode to the R's house. We had dinner there and taught them about prayer. After that we had to ride our bikes to C's house. She is an investigators the sisters gave to us because they couldn't get anyone to go teach her with them. We taught her the plan of salvation. We invited her to be baptized, she said she would, but she wouldn't commit to a date. So we had her pray and ask if baptism was right for her. There was an awesome spirit there. After that we went home and mid-week correlated and planned.

Thursday- We weekly planned and stuff. Then we tried to go visit this guy from Singapore we met the other day. He wasn't feeling very well. Then we went to see S and A. We were going to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but by request of S, we taught the plan of salvation instead. It was soooooooo goooooooooooood!!! A was so in to it the entire time!!  He was pretty pumped by the end of it!! We invited him to be baptized, and he said yes!!!!! He'll be baptized November 7th!! So yeah, it would be nice if y'all could pray for him. 

After the lesson A was saying that he had a really bad toothache. We offered to give him a blessing. So I gave him a blessing, and the spirit was so strong. In the blessing I was saying stuff that he said he hasn't told anyone.The sprit was so strong. Then his brother, C who is a recent convert asked for a blessing as well. Elder Mamea gave him a blessing, and it was soooooooooo powerful. I haven't ever heard Elder Mamea talk with such power before. It was amazing!! A stayed in the room for C's blessing, and he said that he was getting these warm sensations all over his body and that he was feeling so good!! We helped him recognize that as the Spirit. He thought it was the coolest thing!! Then we had to hop on our bikes and book it to the P's to have dinner. We had a good dinner and lesson. We talked about faith. Then we tried to visit the N's, but they were having a massive party, and so was Js, so that was the night.

Friday- Mission Conference. I played prelude for seriously like an hour and a half because we got there so early because the zone leaders had a meeting. I did heaps of sight reading, but it was good! I finally saw my MTC companion again, Elder Wheeler!! He's the man!

We had an AMAZING mission conference!! Elder Pearson is an amazing teacher, or at least the spirit is, because I have never got so much out of a meeting. I was balling at the end of it while we were singing called to serve. It was my first time crying on my mission.

Then we had lunch, then we went back and got to work. We tried to visit brother R, but apparently he is in Busselton. Then we went to try to see W, but he wasn't home. Then we went to the K's for dinner. We had a good lesson on about how we all need to pray and plead to have the spirit with us everyday in our lives. After that we went to the F's and shared a message about how we need the scriptures everyday in our lives. I shared 1 Nephi 6:6. Then we rode home in the cold dark, and that was the night!

Saturday-We had ZLC in the morning and it ended up going forever because we ended up planning all of zone meeting. I was assigned to train the zone on being Diligent in the work. After the meeting we had lunch, then we tried to see a couple people, but they weren't home.
Then we went to P's house to teach C. C wasn't there, so we taught P instead. His nephews were there and they look like mini rajon rondo's! they were the funniest kids. We shared a quick spiritual thought with them, then we went to J's. She wasn't home. Then we tried the W's. We went up to their house, and we saw them getting into their car to leave. So we walked up really quick, and they shut the car door on us. Then I asked where they were going, and it turns out it wasn't the W's... hahah I just looked like a super creeper. They got out of the car and it just so happened to be a different Taiwanese couple. I thought it was one of those cool/ weird meant to be stories, but then they said they weren't interested. They also said they don't even know who the W's are. They said they have lived in the house they are at now for a couple years. Which is weird because I went to that house a couple weeks ago, and we visited the W's!! I was so confused. We walked home, and that was the night!

Sunday- Just a good ol' day at church. We went to church in the morning with L at Jandacott ward. Then we came back for church at our own ward. A and S came, yessssssss! Then Brother Vave came and picked us up. We went there and made our own pizzas. It was fun. They are a super cool couple. They are suuuuuuuper faithful to the church. Good good people. We had a lesson about the importance of prayer and how it relates to us having the spirit with us everyday. After that they dropped us off, and I had to correlate and that was the night!

Monday- We didn't have p-day obviously, which was kind of weird. But we did some service in the morning at Sister R's house. We did some weeding for 2 hours. I was dying because there were so many bugs hahaha!! After that we went back to the flat and finished our studies, and had lunch. Then we tried to see a few people, which didn't work. Then we tracted for a good 3 hours. It was fun! We met all kinds of people. Egyptian, Trinidadian, Argentinian, Polish, Chinese. We ended up finding one potential. It was this Chinese girl. We gave her a BOM after sharing with her a scripture based on her needs on her porch. She seemed pretty solid. After that L picked us up and we went to their house and had a feed. Then we had a good message with them, and that was the night!

Tuesday-We had and AWESOME zone meeting. It went a little overtime, but it was so good! Then we had a quick zlc. Then we went home and land lunch. after that we tried visiting heaps of formers. No one was home, ( as always) but we ran into Bishop's Son's friend, who isn't a member. He said we could come teach him this week. He really loves talking to me about America. He is a nice kid. I honestly think he crossed our path for a reason though. I could see him being baptized soon. After that, we saw this bus broken down on the side of the road, the bus driver was panicking. We stopped our bikes and he vented to us. Then I offered to say a prayer to help calm his nerves. It helped! That was cool, then we went tracting, and talked to these funny old people. Then we had an hour conversation with this guy on his lawn. He was the coolest, straight thinker I've met since I've been here. He's like a brother Woodhouse mixed with Grandpa Dick Beeson. I could talk to that guy for hours. We gave him a Book of Mormon. He was a real genuine guy. Then we went to Brother H's, and he fed us. then we went on ward splits and I went with Brother P. We went to L's house and shared a spiritual thought with her. Then we went to ward council, and that was the night!

It's been a pretty busy past couple of days, and I am actually really starting to love tracting! You really have no clue what kind of person you'll talk to or run into! People from all over the world.

Thank you for your prayers, I have been strengthened by them this week! I love you all, do what is right so you can be happy :)

love, Elder Beeson

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