Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sept 13, 2015

Hello family and friends!! This has been the fastest week of my mission by far!! I can hardly remember what happened, but it was all good stuff :) and yes, my thighs are massive from being on my bike so much!!

Monday-We did shopping, then A picked us up and we kicked the ball around. Then we did a circuit work out with him. I was dyyyyying. I'm so fat. haha, then we got an aloevera drink after, and I was okay. :) Then we went to Bishop G's for dinner and fhe. We had a good fhe about keeping the Sabbath day holy. That has been the big topic for the past couple of weeks. It's good though! Then we tried to go visit some other people, but no one was home, and that was pretty much the night!

Tuesday- We went on less active visits in Huntingdale. We went to Sister R's, then we tried like 3 other people, and they weren't home, then we went to S's. We had a good lesson on 1 Nephi 17. We talked about how Moses and the serpents could be related to prayer. A, and non-member who was there was really intrigued. We committed S, C, and A to come to church, (and they did!!).

Then we tried to see this other less active man, but he was already asleep. (It's weird, people here go to sleep as soon as it gets dark, so as soon as it's like 6:00, no one will answer their doors, it's SO annoying!) Then we went to the C to teach L. Apparently he's started smoking again :( He has seizures when he does now too! ugh. We had a good lesson with him though! Then we headed home to have some dinner, and to plan for the next day.

Wednesday- We had our ZLC meeting (zone leadership council) and we talked about how we could get more people to sacrament meeting. So that was our focus this week, was sacrament meeting attendance. Then honestly, I cannot remember what happened the majority of the day. I do remember that we talked with S, who was a former investigator. He is an awesome guy. He is a 7th Adventist from American Samoa. We shared with him a scripture about humility from the bible. He LOVED it. He invited us back for a feed sometime. aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnd I can't remember what happened after that! oops!

Thursday- We weekly planned, and we didn't get out of the flat until like 3:00. It's because I went through the ENTIRE area book. We picked out some formers who looked pretty solid, and we are going to visit them this week. Then we tried to visit this Elder we have never seen in the ward, and we walked there because it was really rainy. apparently the guy doesn't live there anymore, so we decided to tract until dinner time since it took us 45 minutes to walk there. We didn't have too much success, but it was good because we practiced a ton of different door approaches, and it was fun! Then we walked back to our flat to get our bikes to ride to sister L's house for dinner. We had Fish pie and other very british foods and desserts. It was good though. Then Elder Mamea shared his favorite scripture, and I testified. Then we talked to her less active brother, who was a neat guy. Then we dropped by the N's but they weren't home, neither was president , so we went back to our flat and prepared for zone conference!

Friday- We had a suuuuuuuuuuuuper good zone conference. The zl's picked us up at 6:45 because there was a district leader training right before zone conference. Then zone conference was suuuuuuuuuuuper good. President Fife put in place a new rule, we get to go to the temple once a transfer as long as we live within a 2 hour drive of the temple!! That means I get to go next week!!! ahhhhhhhhhh so happy :))) But he said that the days we go to the temple are going to count as our p-days for the week. So that means that next week I will have my p-day on either Wednesday or Thursday. So don't freak out when you don't get an email okay?! Then he was saying how he had the impression that this mission will soon be having miraculous success. He said that he has the impression that we will have 20 baptisms per companionship per month soon! What?!!!! So bold, so powerful. Then after zone conference, we tried to visit heaps of people, but again, no one was home, but if they were, they were sick. We dropped by P's house, but he was gone. His Muslim parents let us in though.  We shared an experience about prayer. It was good. Then we tried to visit more people, but again, no one was home!!!  That was pretty much the night.

Saturday- We were supposed to teach this guy at the chapel because he wanted to know more about Christianity, but he never showed up. So we went and gave this baby a blessing instead because the night before we got a call from someone at like 11 the night before asking if we could, but we were like 12 k's away. So we did it instead of teaching H. After the blessing, we met at the chapel for our district blitz, but the sisters wanted to meet at the park, so we went to the park, which was forever away. We got there and they gave us the wrong park! so we had to go all the way back!! (huge thighs) ;) the wind blows against us no matter which way we go too!! Then for the blitz we just did a lot of follow ups on potentials.

We got a return appointment with this dude named D. He was a cool guy.  We got a ride with the zone leaders  because I was sick of biking haha. We finally taught C. He is this guy from Togo. He is a certified preacher there and everything. We taught him the restoration, and he voluntarily said he'd read and pray about the Book of Mormon!!! That was so cool! He's so keen!!! We decided to go to Js house. We walked there because it was super rainy. We had a good lesson with her. We read with her Mormon 9 because she still isn't sure if there's a God. She really liked it. I think it's what she needed. We invited her to church, and she was pretty enthusiastic about coming, but she didn't :( Then we walked home and had dinner, and that was the day!

Sunday- kind of a normal sunday, but again, like every lesson had something about the Sabbath day in it! Then we went to the A's for dinner, and we had a really good lesson.

This week went by so fast! I love the work here. Thank you all for your prayers and support! I love you all :)

Elder Beeson

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