Wednesday, September 23, 2015

G'day family and friends!! This has been the best week of my mission so far! :))
I may not get to everything I did this whole week because I would rather talk about the MIRACLES! :>

Monday-we had a fun p-day. We played basketball at the park with the zone leaders and the Queens Park Elders. We were pretty much playing in the rain the whole time, but it was fun :) Then we got changed and went to our appointment with L. He has been able to make some big steps this past week because he can't physically can't smoke because of the stitches he has in his mouth. SO cool. We taught him the story of Alma the Younger. He wasn't really getting into it, so we just started asking him what he needed to hear. The spirit guided us and we got to the underlying issue of everything! 
 It was sooooooo so so cool. Then we dropped by this potential's house at 8:30ish, and it looked like we just woke him up so he told us to come back later. 

Tuesday- It was my first district meeting where I had to train.  I really learned how to rely on the Lord in my studies. I ended up feeling impressed to train on being exactly obedient, but more importantly being STRICTLY obedient to the morning schedule and just staying out of the flat all day.

 I really feel it's what the district needed, because ever since then, we have been having miracles right and left. 
After that, we had lunch, then we went to sister L's house. They are the nicest  ladies. We practice taught the restoration to them. They loved it! They didn't give us much feedback though because they are too nice. Then we rode all the way to the C's. They were a member referral that we got from both the bishop and the stake president. We had a very good lesson about the importance of prayer and scripture study as a family. They were so nice to us. I spilled some sprite they gave me on their couch (typical ;) ) and they didn't get too mad! But yeah, it went really well. Then we went on ward splits. I went with brother H. We tried a couple houses, but they weren't home. We ended at The B's. We invited her to church, and she said she'd come! Then we rode home from the chapel for dinner, and that was the night!

Wednesday-We started the morning off by seeing sister P. 
She is the nicest lady. She joined the church when she was 50, and always says she wishes she could have joined earlier. She's from Peru. We shared Mosiah 2:41. She loved it! 

Then we went to this district leader meeting. It was LONG. But while I was there, I got a strong impression that we needed to tract right after. So after the meeting we tracted, and we ran into this Indonesian guy who was super enthusiastic when he answered the door, which NEVER happens! He was way cool. He said he wanted us back the next time he had a day off, but man, it was nice to finally have someone be nice to us! Then we went to the S's and we talked for a long time about their church and our church. 
They are 7th day Adventists  and they were really open to learn about our church after we asked so many questions about theirs. We taught a lot of the plan of salvation to them. Then they bought us pizza, and  all the sudden the power went out. Apparently it happens a lot because people crash into the telephone poles! weird. Then L and Lpicked us up from there and we had some kfc! Then they dropped us off at our flat and I mid-week correlated and went to bed :)

Thursday-Here comes the Miracles :) We weekly planned in the morning. The zone leaders picked us up and dropped us off and Brother R's house. He was just about to leave, but we caught him! we shared a good scripture about how the book of Mormon and Bible compliment each other. He liked it.

After that we were walking to S's house. On our way there we got a call. It was this Chinese man named D. He said that he saw a poster in the library that was saying we did free English lessons. That class hasn't happened in forever. So I made a couple phone calls to the office and the couple who teach language class. I called D back and told him all the info. I thought he was only interested in learning English better, but he really was interested in the church, almost more interested!! He asked about the activities we do, and he said he wanted to make friends and that he wanted us to come have lunch with him sometime!! What?!?!?! That was a miracle. 

Then at S's house, Elder Mamea shared with him a scripture in Samoan, and I bore my testimony. We went to Brother T's house. He had just got back from his first chemo treatment. He was talking about how well we did on our song together on Sunday.  His son made some dinner for us, and we left with him a scripture about how to deal with adversity. I think it meant a lot to him.  His son dropped us off at P's house.

 We got there as soon as P was pulling up.  We had a good talk with him about coming to church. He has been struggling coming because he doesn't really have any friends in the ward. He's also been super busy with trying out for the Olympics.
 We shared a few scriptures with him and he was getting pretty pumped about coming back!! Then he gave us a ride home, and that was the night! But yeah, it was all about timing that day. WE showed up at the perfect time at people's houses.

Friday- I did a 12 week and Elder Mamea and I did a good language study. We visited Sister B in the rest home. She is a funny old lady. She's  German. We talked to her a lot about families. She loved it. We shared scriptures of why families are so important. 

After that we went to our district blitz in the sister's area. 
But we found this Shia muslim guy. His name is A. He was the coolest guy! He is from Afghanistan, and he was saying how much he loves the Americans because they saved him and his family! He was right in the middle of all the crazy stuff there. He was talking about how he is a Muslim but he loves to read all the holy books other religions have.
 So.... I placed my first book of Mormon with him!!  Who would have thought my first Book of Mormon placing would be with a Muslim?! He was really excited to read it. 

He told us that the night before he had this dream, that he saw Christ. He said that he asked if he was the Messiah, then Christ said yes, then A asked about all the stuff that was going wrong in the world, then Christ put his arm around A, and said, "don't worry, I'll take care of everything." That was awesome!!! He really wanted us to come back soon so we could teach him more. He recognized that we could be the answer to that dream!! Miracle!! 

Then when we were biking to W's house, and we saw these two guys playing basketball, so we played a pick up game with them and it was fun! 
Then we kicked a footie around. I was talking to the Aboriginal guy about his beliefs. It was cool because he and his friend kind of just opened up to us. They were cool guys, but you could tell they had really rough backgrounds. They wanted to play with us again sometime soon. Then we tried to go to W's house, he wasn't home, so we went to J's house. He was FINALLY home. He is a really cool Phillipino guy. He was telling us that he wanted to come back to church, but he was so busy. So we had a good lesson on putting the Lord first, then everything will fall into its proper place. He was pretty excited to go to church by the end of it!!

 Then we rode home. It was pouring rain pretty hard, and we were going up hill the whole way too! I felt like a champ ;) Then we had exchanges that night. I went with Elder Brinkerhoff to his area.

Saturday- The best day of my mission so far!! :) We started out the day going to a district blitz in Shelley. We were in a pretty rich area, so the people were either really nice or just rejected us right off the bat. We talked to some really cool nice people. We got a solid potential girl named S from Zimbabwe. Then we found this Atheist dude. He was super intellectual and when we were first talking to him he was just bashing on the bible and how people who believe in God are so dumb, but by the end of our conversation which lasted almost an hour, he committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon!!!! It was soooooooooooooooo coooooooooooooll!!! 

Elder Brinkerhoff and I were just smashing it together. It was so much fun. Then we did some grocery shopping for lunch, then we went to this less active Aboriginal house, they weren't home, and it was a pretty sketchy neighbourhood, so we dropped our bikes off at the flat. 

Then we were trying to figure out where to go next, and we were about to pull out onto the main road, but then this dude walked up to the car and knocked on the window. He asked if we were Mormons. ha We said yes, then he asked which type of Bible we study. We told him the King James version. He was happy to hear that, then he asked if we could come by and teach him sometime!!! Whatttttt?!!!! That is as miraculous as you can get here!!! That was amazing. 

We visited this less active's house, but they weren't home so we decided to tract the area. We met this Polish dude who came out with his shirt off and he was just about to get in the shower. He had the heart of a child. He was the funniest and nicest guy. 

Then we saw this man trying to take out this massive stump of this plant. He saw us coming over and he was like, "oh no, you guys aren't Mormons are you?" and we were like " heck yes we are!!! "

Then we helped him for an hour take out the stump! We had a really good conversation with him.  But we figured out with him (halfway through) that he was drunk. But it was nice to help him. Then we tried to go to Brother H's to just pop in for dinner, but he wasn't home, neither were the F's so we went to the M's. They gave us dinner!Then we got back to the flat, and Elder Mamea and his exchange were still out so we ended up all staying there for the night. But yeah, it was the best day yet, I loved it. We worked super hard.

Sunday-Nothing too special. It was a really good testimony meeting though.  They also did a combined third hour for some reason, and I was playing prelude just because, and then Bishop announced the opening song, and I've never even heard of it before. It was really rough!! hahahaha pretty much everyone in there was laughing at me. My face was really red.

 Then after church we got dinner from Sister T. Then we went by J's house. He is the funniest guy ever!! He asked if we could come by to do service and studies on Tuesday! I can't wait!!! Then we went to J's house.

But yeah, this week was super good! especially the end of the week :) I hope y'all are doing well. I keep all of you in my prayers. Keep being good people! :)

Elder Beeson

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