Monday, August 22, 2016

Happy Bday!

Dad, the longer I am out, the more I feel like I'm becoming like you! haha it's funny because within the last weeks, I've really be reflecting on my growing up, and my childhood, and I really am beginning to realize how blessed I have been to have had you and mom pave the example. Everything from your nightly prayers together, to your weekly temple trips, to your early, early, early scripture study, to your whistling "come thou fount" to mom's continual ensign reading... (Etc.)
all of those things have impacted me in the best way possible. Those are things in my memory that will never leave. and I really feel that you and mom have fulfilled the scripture in 2 Nephi 25:26 "That [your] children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." and I feel that that is the greatest accomplishment as a parent. So thank you dad. I love you, happy birthday!

Love Elder Beeson

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