Monday, August 22, 2016



Family and Friends,

this week was quite the rollercoaster haha! I love every minute of it here though. We went on quite a few exchanges this week, but I don't have a lot of time, so I 'm going to summarize a few of the things that happened here:
-We went on exchanges with the Geraldton Elders. I was with Elder Ta'ala. He is the MAN! He actually served in Merriwa a year earlier, so he pretty much already knew everyone! 
-zone conference was awesome, all about overcoming opposition, (very much needed this week haha) 
-We exchanged with The Balcatta Elders. I was With Elder Matthews. We tracted the entire day, and it was awesome!! We tracted this street that is in this suburb that we just found out was in our ward, called "investigator parade" haha nothing really happened there though ;) Lots of little miracles. 
-On Monday we got a text from A, and he said that he and his family are not ready for the baptism this next week. He said that he and his family will be ready in a few months, when his wife quite smoking, and when he gets to see a little bit more of what the church is about. He is still doing really well though. He reads the Book of Mormon, and General Conference talks like everyday. He is the man. But yeah, the family will be baptized, just not next week, probably November.. I hope I'm still here by that time!!
- Tuesday we had our zone meeting which went really well. We talked about commitment, and being 100% committed to those we teach and especially to the Lord.
-To be honest a lot of our teaching pool has dissappeard, I don't know what happened!! So we have been smashing the finding lately. We found this Russian dude who tried to show us all this anti Mormon stuff haha! But we turned the conversation around and ended up getting a return appointment, and we just so happened to have a restoration dvd, so we gave him one, and it has Russian on it! nice nice. Literally right after that, we saw this guy on the street. His name is D, from Sudan, and we just started talking to him, and he had HEAPS of questions. like sooooooo many. So we told him we could answer all of his questions if he lets us come by, so he told us to just walk with him to his house, and so we did, and taught him the Restoration. It was pretty cool. We are going back on Monday! 
-Yesterday was pretty stormy the entire day. We tracted the entire day. We went on a mini exchange with the Edgewater Elders. We found them a few new investigators. Then we had a blitz in the Bulter Elder's area, and we exchanged with them as well, and we found this dude named Q, and as soon as he answered the door, he told us to come in, then we taught him and his partner. They were just baptized Christians a year a go, so they have been prepared! nice! 

yeah that was the week and a half. I'm sorry if this letter was a mess. Love you all

Love Elder Beeson

Happy Bday!

Dad, the longer I am out, the more I feel like I'm becoming like you! haha it's funny because within the last weeks, I've really be reflecting on my growing up, and my childhood, and I really am beginning to realize how blessed I have been to have had you and mom pave the example. Everything from your nightly prayers together, to your weekly temple trips, to your early, early, early scripture study, to your whistling "come thou fount" to mom's continual ensign reading... (Etc.)
all of those things have impacted me in the best way possible. Those are things in my memory that will never leave. and I really feel that you and mom have fulfilled the scripture in 2 Nephi 25:26 "That [your] children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." and I feel that that is the greatest accomplishment as a parent. So thank you dad. I love you, happy birthday!

Love Elder Beeson

Monday, August 1, 2016

July 31st 2016