Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello family and friends! This week has been a crazy fast one, but really good!

Monday: We had a zone p-day at the chapel. We played basketball and volleyball and touch rugby. It was fun! I kept making Jimmer three's when I was playing basketball. Everyone loved it ;)

Tuesday: We had district meeting. It was suuuuuuuuuuuuuper rainy. We took the bus. From the bus stop to the church, we were absolutely soaked.  We went back and changed.  We took the bus to Thornlie because we didn't feel like biking. We stopped by Br. T's house! He's a 7 year convert, and he's in his 70's! He reminds me of a male aussie version of Nonna! I could have talked to him forever! We answered some questions he had about the plan of salvation.
After we went to this guy's house named  P. He is trying out for the Olympics this next year!! He is crazy fast! He can run an 800 in 1:46!  He is the third fastest in Australia. He's only 21 and he's less active. He's from sudan. We taught him about prayer.

Then we made appointments with people in the area and went on splits with the Bishop! Man!!!! Bishop is soooooo bold. He's an Italian guy and he doesn't waste anytime. We didn't really even teach or anything, he just told people they better start going to church. Then we had ward council, and I suggested that they turn up the organ because it's super quiet when we sing.They seemed to think that it was a good idea. 

Wednesday: We knocked on this one door, and no one answered, but then a lady came outside after we left her house to take out the trash. so we started talking to her, and then we ended up teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to her. I bore my testimony, and the spirit was strong, buuuuuuuuuuuut she didn't want us to come back... haha harsh!

We went to this one less active guy's house. He was a Melchezidek priesthood holder, but he has been inactive for a couple years. He had a big concern with the word of wisdom. He was arguing that it wasn't a commandment because it says in d&c 89 that it isn't. We explained to him it was, but pretty much no matter what we said, he would have argued. He was an arguer! hahaha I was feeling the heat of the room rise each time I tried to say something because he would cut me off! hahahaha But I said a pretty bold prayer at the end of it and the spirit came back! that was rough! Then we went to the K's,  who by the way emailed mom, but she couldn't remember why she had mom's email address. So there you go mom. We taught their foster son . He is progressing pretty well! He hadn't smoked for 4 days! Then she gave us some rice pudding, and we rode home!

Thursday: We got a ride in the morning from L's to go to her parents new house in midland. We did yard work, and there were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so so so so many bugs I was freaking out. But I didn't show it on my face hahahaha. But yeah, no spiders, but everything else was very abundant.  They fed us some lamb, chicken soup, and buns (rolls) ;) then they drove us back.

Then we got to our flat, changed, and rode all the way to the H's, which was a 45 minute bike ride. They are a recently converted family. Brother H is sooooooooo good. He has the best laugh ever. We taught them about being in the world and not of the world and we related in to Lehi's dream. It worked out pretty well! Then we went to the hospital to visit this guy Elder Maybe knew. His name was Nephi! He got choked up when he asked for a blessing. We gave him one. Elder Mamea did the anointing, and Elder Maybee did the blessing. The spirit was so strong. 

Friday: We weekly planned... We were going to the K's to drop offi a present, but on our way over there, we saw this teenage/ young adult kid playing with these weird glowing rope things. We started talking to him, he was a big time hippie. But he let us come in his camper where he smokes pot to teach him the plan of salvation! Um.. I felt like a true missionary. The spirit was so strong as we taught him though. He didn't want a return appointment , which was disappointing.But it was a good start.
 We went to the K's and practiced our 4 minute model of the restoration. Sister K and her cousin in law gave me the nicest compliment while I was there. They told me I have an old soul, which means that that I know who I am and it seems like I have been teaching the gospel for a long time before I came here. It was something I needed to hear. It was so nice.
 Later we went  to an African guys house, he wasn't home, so we went to this house that Elder Mamea found success in tracting into. There was this African guy there named P. He has the hugest arms. We complimented him a ton on his arms to the point that he wanted us to come back and teach him! so yeah, new investigator!!!
 We went to this non-active's house and taught them about prayer. they were really nice.

Saturday: We went with President Pemberton to his in-laws house to do some service. We raked leaves for a solid 3 hours. But it felt so good to do something different.  We had lunch there. It was veggie soup with potatos in it.  And they gave us a ton of lollies and chips.

Then we got home and did companionship study. Then we went to P's house and tried to teach him the restoration. He was tough to teach. We barely got through Heavenly Father blesses families, and we were there for almost an hour. We got a return appointment though! 

We got to go see N again, because wanted some hungry jack's. Turns out though, that N is S's uncle. hahahaha N rebuked S pretty hard, because S hasn't been doing good, which was good for S to hear, I think.
Sunday: We had mcm, then Sacrament meeting. My companions and I all bore our testimonies. It was good. The Bishop commented on how bold my testimony was, I was surprised, because I didn't think I was being bold, but apparently my testimony is becoming more bold:)

After church we visited N to give him the sacrament. We dropped by the flat to break our fasts and eat first. We went and had a little sacrament meeting with him because the Bishop gave us permission. We sang a few songs, then we prayed and we gave him and his non-member sister the sacrament.  Elder Maybee shared a good scripture. The spirit was so strong, by the end of it N and his sister were crying. We went by to visit the P's. We talked with Sister P about family history and faith. It was good. She is the best lady.

That was the week!! it all went by sooooooooooooo fast! I hope they all go by as fast as this one did. I pray for you all at home everyday! I love you all

-Elder Beeson

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