Monday, August 24, 2015

August 16, 2015

 Greetings family and friends!!
 This week was pretty good, it was pretty hot!

 Monday-We went to Fremantle, which is like where all the tourists go. It was way fun. We toured the Fremantle prison which closed down 24 years ago because they were pooing in buckets up until the 90's! Crazy and gross!  I loved it though. Then we went and ate fish and chips at the warf. We ate outside, and there were heaps of seagulls attacking me. I threw my whole tray because they were pretty much eating me! I was freaking out. My companions were laughing.

On our way home we visited N in the hospital. Turns out he has Spinal cancer. Poor guy. We ended up staying longer that we thought, (which happens everyday with all Poly's) 

> Tuesday-We had a good district meeting on "teach when you find, find when you teach" There were some really funny role plays. After that we did some  service at some random person's house with the zone leaders. They were moving.

After  we cleaned our flat and went shopping.  We visited E.
We read the BOM with him and stopped and explained each verse. I think it helped.  We had ward splits and I went with Brother C, The Elder's quorem President. We visited the Ws. They are a less active Taiwanese couple. They were super nice. We invited them to stake conference this week, and they said they'd come! hah! Pretty easy visit. Then Brother C said he was hungry, so we went to this American place called Johnny's and he bought me a chili cheese dog, SO GOOD! Apparently they have the hottest pepper in the world there, and only 5 people have beat the challenge. maybe i'll try it ;) Anyways, then we went to ward council, and that was the night!

 Wednesday-We had interviews with President. Apparently we are having interviews every transfer! President Fife is the man!! It was the easiest interview ever, it was just doctrinal questions I had. Then after that we had lunch. We invited A over because he likes to be with us, but he hasn't showed up at church the past month! What the heck!! So he came over, and then we went to the H's to teach a little bit about temples. It was such a good lesson. The spirit was so strong. It was good for A to be there too since he has been struggling.

We went to the kiwi shop and got some lollies. Then we went to the K's for a little bit, we taught a lesson about the Army of Helaman. The kids liked it. We got a ride to L's house. It was kind of our last lesson with him since he wasn't progressing. I think it was good though. We read the book of Mormon really slow, and explained each verse. He's got a good heart.

We went to brother T's house for dinner. Elder Maybe went with brother C and  to give a couple blessings, so it was Elder mamea and  me.
I ate almost all the potatoes on my plate, I about died!!  I was just praying the entire time I wouldn't dry heave!!! We helped him understand the plan of salvation a little bit more, and we had a good time talking with him and his non-member son. Then elder maybee got there, and ate his cold food, then his son gave us a ride home!
Thursday-It was a pretty slow day. We had a district blitz in our area, and there wasn't like any success.  We went to the l's house. They were two nice old ladies. Mother and daughter. We talked about the power of prayer and how our father in heaven is aware of every detail. They liked it. Then we went to the P's for dinner for a pizza eating contest. Elder Maybee won. He ate 25 pizzas!!!! Holy Hannah!!! But the pizzas here are small. They are probably like a medium or small size in America. But either way, he ate 3 boxes hahahaha!! Then we read scriptures with them and had a good night. Elder Maybee just about cried when he got home, he was so full. I only ate 11 pieces.

 Friday- We tried visiting like 3 families, but none of them let us in, or they weren't home. So we visited C, this less active 17 year old guy. He's the best. We left with him a short message and went to meet a couple Elders.
Then we went and tried to visit more people. No one was home!!! Then we rode through this park and saw these two black kids playing basketball. They were total street ballers. We played a pick up game with them! hahaha and we got destroyed though!! I made a couple nice shots but they missed probably 2 times out of the two games  that we played with them. I wish Jack was there, he would have been able to talk NBA with them forever!! They love Steph Curry though and the clippers!!! I knew Jack would have been so jealous.
Then we went to the K's so we could get a ride home and then we had dinner at the flat, and that was the night!! I loved playing some street ball though, I felt like a true missionary ;)

 Saturday-A picked us up in the morning to go watch his nephews rugby game. We got permission, and we contacted people at the game. It was fun! Then we changed into our service clothes because we got a call while we were at the game to come help some people move.  Then we helped the k's set up this massive gazebo. We rode our bikes home.  Elder maybe's tire blew out when we were still like 3 kilometres away, so we did a relay thing. He rode mamea's bike, and carried his to the flat. Then mamea jogged, and I rode my bike, then I gave my bike to mamea, and I jogged, then Elder maybee left his bike, and I rode it while he jogged!! hahahah we looked like champs. jk, we probably looked like idiots. It was so hot though, we were all sweating pretty bad.  We got back right in time for the zone leaders to pick us up for stake priesthood leadership meeting at 3:00. 
After we had a zone blitz in our area! yessssss!!!! We found 4 solid potentials, which is exactly what we need right now!!

Sunday- We had stake conference. President and Sister Fife spoke at it. They are the best. The whole theme of all of stake conference was keeping the Sabbath day holy. I loved it so much. Then after the meeting we walked to our flat, and helped a guy pulled over on the side of the road with his car. Elder Maybee fixed it. That was cool. Then L and L picked us up. They are a part member couple. We talked with them for a long time. Then we went to the H's and had an amazing discussion on Enduring to the End.The spirit was so strong. Then L and L drove us to the Hospital to see N one last time before he goes home to Melbourne. His surgery went well, and we had a nice spiritual thought with him. He's such a good spiritual guy. Then they drove us home, and that was the night!!

I'm loving it out here!! It's starting to get really warm already, and I'm dying hahahaha!! I love my companions, and the people here down unda!!!
 I love you all! 
Elder Beeson

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