Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hello everyone, it was a pretty rainy, but great week, tons of walking in the rain!

Monday-We went to Perth zoo!! it was so fun. I took pictures of all the aussie animals. I also got a sweet shirt.  We did some grocery shopping. After that we went to J's house, just to check up on him. I'm pretty sure he was drunk. LAME. But we scheduled a time to come over. We visited a couple more people and made more appointments, then that was the day!

Tuesday- I had my first zone meeting. I played piano for it. We learned a little bit about obtaining Christ-like attributes. Then the zone leaders wanted me to role play being the member in a member lesson situation. I still hate role playing. but it was good. We went to Brother T's house. I practiced the song he wants me to accompany him on. It's hard!!!!

We gave him a refresher on the plan of salvation. It went well. OH yeah! Turns out his son is a famous opera singer!!! Like he has sung at all the major opera houses in the world. His son lives with him. But yeah, hahaha I had no idea he was famous!

Then we dropped by L's house to teach him about the BOM. We were pretty bold because he hasn't really been progressing. Then we went to the Chapel and told bishop we couldn't go on splits because we had an appointment. Then we went to our appointment. It was this Mauri/Samoan family. They were soooo nice. The mom is a member, but her husband and kids aren't. They gave us heaps of chocolate and lollies. We gave a lesson on prayer. They were all listening pretty intently. The spirit was definitely there. It was an awesome lesson. Then we rode home, and that was the night!

Wednesday-We did weekly planning, which took aaaaaaaaages.  Then we tracted down the street by J's house. There were some nice people there . We met a phillipino man who said that he was interested in having a family home evening! so we scheduled a time on Saturday. but overall, it was some good tracting, no doors were really slammed in our faces so that was nice!

Then we went and had a lesson with J. He likes to talk a lot. I shared a scripture with him about if we keep the commandments, we will prosper in the land. We were pretty bold with him, we told him that he had to come back to church. He was realizing he had to. He told us he would come with us on Sunday if we came over so he could drive with us there. So we made a deal!

 After that lesson, we got a call from Sister E in the mission office. She had a promising referral for us. It was such a tender mercy because we are struggling pretty bad with finding people to teach right now.

Then we went to the A's for dinner. They always have the biggest feeds. I ate as much as I could, then they brought out dessert. I was dying. I could hardly walk. or sit. it was bad. But then we had a good lesson on prayer for them as well. Elder Mamea talked in Samoan the whole time. It was cool because even though I had no clue what he was saying, the spirit was there so strong. The spirit is real in every language!!  Then they drove us back to our flat.

Thursday- It was follow up training for "the goldens." that's what my mission president calls new people, rather than greenies. hahahaha. Man. President Fife is the man!!! He is such a good teacher. We had fish n'chips for lunch. My first aussie fish n'chips!! Then after lunch we did some role playing. Actually, it wasn't really role playing, we just had to model a lesson. We had to teach the plan of salvation on the spot. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but my companions and I did the best, because we used our own words, and it was more simple. The spirit was strong. The other companionships did awesome too! It was cool to see how much my friends from the mtc have grown! Then we took a bus to ballijurra. It was one of Elder Maybee's old areas. He visited the As. They fed us well. I Then we took the train back to thornlie. We did some tracting until 8:00, then we had a little surprise birthday for Elder Mamea at kfc He is 23!! then A took us home.

Friday- We took the bus to Thornlie , then we walked to Brother R's house. It always feels like we are there for ages. It feels like time stops there, because we were only there like 45 minutes, and I felt like we were there for 3-4 hours. We shared with him some missionary scriptures like d&c 100 and 84. He's just a little scared to do missionary work. I think it helped him.

Ww walked to brother T's house again. I practiced the song again, and it is already getting decent. We left with him a short message, then we dropped by L's house. We were straight up with him. We told him if he doesn't start keeping commitments that we can't come over anymore. He agreed, and he said he would come to church on Sunday so at-least that worked! Then we went to the Chapel to teach a recent convert, E. We asked him about his conversion, and he pretty much said the reason he was baptized was because he never really said no to the missionaries. We gave a him a quite bold reminder about the convenants he made at baptism. I think he's catching on now.
Then  from the chapel brother F picked us up. We had a massive feed. I finally tried some oaka. I'm not sure how to spell it. But it's this raw fish with coconut cream and veggies. It wasn't too bad. I accidentally spilled my cocoa on elder maybee ! Then we shared with them a quick message, and then we had to get home for our curfew. It was a pretty successful day though!

Saturday- we had heaps of appointments planned, but they ALL fell through!! So ended up doing a district blitz in thornlie. we knocked this street, and all the people were super nice!! A lot of them already were religious, but they were really respectful. We talked to this one phillipino guy, he was interested in having his whole family hear from the missionaries, so that's good! He told us we could come back anytime! Then the zone leaders dropped us back off at our flat, and we tried to go to the appointments, but they were all cancelled. So we walked to huntingdale in the rain to this phillipino kid's sister's birthday party.

Then we walked all the way home in the rain. We couldn't share a message, because the parents were drunk. It was disappointing.

Sunday- busy day! We did some double duty church because L could only come to 9:00 church. then we walked back to our flat to eat breakfast, then the zl's picked us up. Then we had mcm, then we met the referral that we got on Tuesday! He's this huge phillipino/samoan body builder! He was first introduced to the church in Singapore. He really likes the ysa activities!

Then during sacrament meeting, the Elders quorum president pulled us out because this guy in the hall needed a blessing. So Elder Maybee did the anointing, then we were all just looking at eachother for who should do the blessing. The man asked me to do it!

 I didn't even know what was wrong with him, So I asked him and then gave him the blessing! It was cool though. It was just like that Jeffrey R. Holland talk that lightning will strike, because I was not expecting that!!! then after church we went to our flat and ate, then we went to the Cullet's to share a message about why prayer and scriptures are so important. Then Angi picked us up, and  we shared a message about prayer! Then we got a ride home to the flat

Prayer was definitely the theme of this week! It was kind of a tough week with the rain and all, but I have a feeling we are supposed to keep tracting because of how nice we are being treated when we do it! So I'll let you all know how that goes! Thanks for your prayers and support, I really can feel them!
- Elder Beeson

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