Monday, August 24, 2015

Dear family and friends,
This week went by so quick, I can hardly remember what even happened. So bare with me!

Monday-We had a normal sport p-day, we played basketball for a solid 3 hours, then we had to run back to the flat so we could get to our appointment on time! I'm so out of shape. We had dinner with the R's, it was nice. We had a lesson on how reading the Book of Mormon everyday will protect us from temptation. It went pretty well. I think it's what the kids needed to hear. Then we pretty much cleaned our flat the rest of the night because we had a flat inspection the next day, and it was a wreck!!

Tuesday-We finished off cleaning the flat, then we went to district meeting. We had good training on the Godhead, and how we can use our differences in our beliefs with God to get people interested. It was good. Then we had song practice for the prelude we will be singing for sacrament meeting.

After that we went back to the flat and had lunch, and did language study with Elder Mamea. Then we rode to brother P's house for dinner. We had some pretty good stir fry with his family. We had a quick lesson about prayer, because brother P had to go with the zone leaders for an appointment. Then we dropped by the M's while we were in the area. We talked to them for a while, and then we followed up on the challenge we gave them a couple weeks ago with giving away a book of Mormon. Then didn't do it:(
 We had a good lesson with them. Then we had to go back to our flat really quick for exchanges. That was pretty much the night.

Wednesday- Elder Brinkerhoff from Wyoming traded spots with Elder Maybee. I was pretty much senior companion the whole day, and I still don't know the area well. It was a little rough haha! We visited Brother T, and I practiced the song I'm going to be accompanying him on next this next Sunday. 
We also had a lesson about how God is aware of every little detail in our lives. He liked that.  We rode home and had a nice lunch. Then we tried visiting heaps of potentials. None of them were interested. Then on our way to see our last one, Elder Young Yen, and Maybee pulled up, and picked us up. We went back to the flat and ended exchanges. Elder Mamea gave Elder Young Yen a haircut. Then they gave us a ride to the S's. We went with the S's to Sizzler. It is sooooooooooo expensive here too! it's like 40 dollars a plate, and it's a buffet too! They are the best. They are a seventh day Adventist family, but they are SO kind to us. Then they dropped us off at our flat and that was the night!

Thursday-I can't remember much from Thursday, but we said goodbye to heaps of people for Elder Maybee, then we went and had dinner with the As.

Friday-We met Aa at Carousel. She bought us lunch. Then we bussed to Thornlie for a district blitz. The blitz wasn't too bad, there was a lot of nice people, but no one was interested. No doors were slammed haha! 
Then we met back at the park after the blitz, and the sisters didn't have much success either. 
A picked us up from the park, and we had dinner and a lesson with brother F. It was some pretty good island food. Elder Maybee just bore his last testimony and Elder Mamea and I added ours too. Then A drove us back home and that was the night.

Saturday-A picked us up in the morning to go watch his nephew's rugby game. We did a lot of contacting, and Elder Maybee said goodbye to heaps of people. Then we went back to the K's and we talked to sister K's mom about temples.

Sunday-We had breakfast at Brother M's house. I made the sausages. We ate some super spicy hot sauce there!  Then we went to church and had a quick song practice with random people. Then we had mcm.  We had to hurry and do our prelude song. I played piano for it. 
Then after church Brother C gave us a ride to his house and we had a family home evening and dinner. The dinner was dang good! I had heaps of Maori bread. Then we had a good lesson on how service helps everyone. We dropped by the K's for a bit and then we went to the F's to say goodbye. Brother F's friend was there, and I didn't know this until we left, but his friend was a professional Rugby player for Samoa. hahaha it makes sense he was massive. We took a picture with him though! Then we got a ride back to our flat.

Then President Fife called, and he assigned me to be the new District Leader since Elder Maybee is leaving tomorrow! Kind of nervous, I guess we'll see what happens. I know I can do it with the Lord.
 I can feel all of your prayers everyday! Keep doing what you know you should be doing! I love you all!!

Elder Beeson

August 16, 2015

 Greetings family and friends!!
 This week was pretty good, it was pretty hot!

 Monday-We went to Fremantle, which is like where all the tourists go. It was way fun. We toured the Fremantle prison which closed down 24 years ago because they were pooing in buckets up until the 90's! Crazy and gross!  I loved it though. Then we went and ate fish and chips at the warf. We ate outside, and there were heaps of seagulls attacking me. I threw my whole tray because they were pretty much eating me! I was freaking out. My companions were laughing.

On our way home we visited N in the hospital. Turns out he has Spinal cancer. Poor guy. We ended up staying longer that we thought, (which happens everyday with all Poly's) 

> Tuesday-We had a good district meeting on "teach when you find, find when you teach" There were some really funny role plays. After that we did some  service at some random person's house with the zone leaders. They were moving.

After  we cleaned our flat and went shopping.  We visited E.
We read the BOM with him and stopped and explained each verse. I think it helped.  We had ward splits and I went with Brother C, The Elder's quorem President. We visited the Ws. They are a less active Taiwanese couple. They were super nice. We invited them to stake conference this week, and they said they'd come! hah! Pretty easy visit. Then Brother C said he was hungry, so we went to this American place called Johnny's and he bought me a chili cheese dog, SO GOOD! Apparently they have the hottest pepper in the world there, and only 5 people have beat the challenge. maybe i'll try it ;) Anyways, then we went to ward council, and that was the night!

 Wednesday-We had interviews with President. Apparently we are having interviews every transfer! President Fife is the man!! It was the easiest interview ever, it was just doctrinal questions I had. Then after that we had lunch. We invited A over because he likes to be with us, but he hasn't showed up at church the past month! What the heck!! So he came over, and then we went to the H's to teach a little bit about temples. It was such a good lesson. The spirit was so strong. It was good for A to be there too since he has been struggling.

We went to the kiwi shop and got some lollies. Then we went to the K's for a little bit, we taught a lesson about the Army of Helaman. The kids liked it. We got a ride to L's house. It was kind of our last lesson with him since he wasn't progressing. I think it was good though. We read the book of Mormon really slow, and explained each verse. He's got a good heart.

We went to brother T's house for dinner. Elder Maybe went with brother C and  to give a couple blessings, so it was Elder mamea and  me.
I ate almost all the potatoes on my plate, I about died!!  I was just praying the entire time I wouldn't dry heave!!! We helped him understand the plan of salvation a little bit more, and we had a good time talking with him and his non-member son. Then elder maybee got there, and ate his cold food, then his son gave us a ride home!
Thursday-It was a pretty slow day. We had a district blitz in our area, and there wasn't like any success.  We went to the l's house. They were two nice old ladies. Mother and daughter. We talked about the power of prayer and how our father in heaven is aware of every detail. They liked it. Then we went to the P's for dinner for a pizza eating contest. Elder Maybee won. He ate 25 pizzas!!!! Holy Hannah!!! But the pizzas here are small. They are probably like a medium or small size in America. But either way, he ate 3 boxes hahahaha!! Then we read scriptures with them and had a good night. Elder Maybee just about cried when he got home, he was so full. I only ate 11 pieces.

 Friday- We tried visiting like 3 families, but none of them let us in, or they weren't home. So we visited C, this less active 17 year old guy. He's the best. We left with him a short message and went to meet a couple Elders.
Then we went and tried to visit more people. No one was home!!! Then we rode through this park and saw these two black kids playing basketball. They were total street ballers. We played a pick up game with them! hahaha and we got destroyed though!! I made a couple nice shots but they missed probably 2 times out of the two games  that we played with them. I wish Jack was there, he would have been able to talk NBA with them forever!! They love Steph Curry though and the clippers!!! I knew Jack would have been so jealous.
Then we went to the K's so we could get a ride home and then we had dinner at the flat, and that was the night!! I loved playing some street ball though, I felt like a true missionary ;)

 Saturday-A picked us up in the morning to go watch his nephews rugby game. We got permission, and we contacted people at the game. It was fun! Then we changed into our service clothes because we got a call while we were at the game to come help some people move.  Then we helped the k's set up this massive gazebo. We rode our bikes home.  Elder maybe's tire blew out when we were still like 3 kilometres away, so we did a relay thing. He rode mamea's bike, and carried his to the flat. Then mamea jogged, and I rode my bike, then I gave my bike to mamea, and I jogged, then Elder maybee left his bike, and I rode it while he jogged!! hahahah we looked like champs. jk, we probably looked like idiots. It was so hot though, we were all sweating pretty bad.  We got back right in time for the zone leaders to pick us up for stake priesthood leadership meeting at 3:00. 
After we had a zone blitz in our area! yessssss!!!! We found 4 solid potentials, which is exactly what we need right now!!

Sunday- We had stake conference. President and Sister Fife spoke at it. They are the best. The whole theme of all of stake conference was keeping the Sabbath day holy. I loved it so much. Then after the meeting we walked to our flat, and helped a guy pulled over on the side of the road with his car. Elder Maybee fixed it. That was cool. Then L and L picked us up. They are a part member couple. We talked with them for a long time. Then we went to the H's and had an amazing discussion on Enduring to the End.The spirit was so strong. Then L and L drove us to the Hospital to see N one last time before he goes home to Melbourne. His surgery went well, and we had a nice spiritual thought with him. He's such a good spiritual guy. Then they drove us home, and that was the night!!

I'm loving it out here!! It's starting to get really warm already, and I'm dying hahahaha!! I love my companions, and the people here down unda!!!
 I love you all! 
Elder Beeson

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hello everyone, it was a pretty rainy, but great week, tons of walking in the rain!

Monday-We went to Perth zoo!! it was so fun. I took pictures of all the aussie animals. I also got a sweet shirt.  We did some grocery shopping. After that we went to J's house, just to check up on him. I'm pretty sure he was drunk. LAME. But we scheduled a time to come over. We visited a couple more people and made more appointments, then that was the day!

Tuesday- I had my first zone meeting. I played piano for it. We learned a little bit about obtaining Christ-like attributes. Then the zone leaders wanted me to role play being the member in a member lesson situation. I still hate role playing. but it was good. We went to Brother T's house. I practiced the song he wants me to accompany him on. It's hard!!!!

We gave him a refresher on the plan of salvation. It went well. OH yeah! Turns out his son is a famous opera singer!!! Like he has sung at all the major opera houses in the world. His son lives with him. But yeah, hahaha I had no idea he was famous!

Then we dropped by L's house to teach him about the BOM. We were pretty bold because he hasn't really been progressing. Then we went to the Chapel and told bishop we couldn't go on splits because we had an appointment. Then we went to our appointment. It was this Mauri/Samoan family. They were soooo nice. The mom is a member, but her husband and kids aren't. They gave us heaps of chocolate and lollies. We gave a lesson on prayer. They were all listening pretty intently. The spirit was definitely there. It was an awesome lesson. Then we rode home, and that was the night!

Wednesday-We did weekly planning, which took aaaaaaaaages.  Then we tracted down the street by J's house. There were some nice people there . We met a phillipino man who said that he was interested in having a family home evening! so we scheduled a time on Saturday. but overall, it was some good tracting, no doors were really slammed in our faces so that was nice!

Then we went and had a lesson with J. He likes to talk a lot. I shared a scripture with him about if we keep the commandments, we will prosper in the land. We were pretty bold with him, we told him that he had to come back to church. He was realizing he had to. He told us he would come with us on Sunday if we came over so he could drive with us there. So we made a deal!

 After that lesson, we got a call from Sister E in the mission office. She had a promising referral for us. It was such a tender mercy because we are struggling pretty bad with finding people to teach right now.

Then we went to the A's for dinner. They always have the biggest feeds. I ate as much as I could, then they brought out dessert. I was dying. I could hardly walk. or sit. it was bad. But then we had a good lesson on prayer for them as well. Elder Mamea talked in Samoan the whole time. It was cool because even though I had no clue what he was saying, the spirit was there so strong. The spirit is real in every language!!  Then they drove us back to our flat.

Thursday- It was follow up training for "the goldens." that's what my mission president calls new people, rather than greenies. hahahaha. Man. President Fife is the man!!! He is such a good teacher. We had fish n'chips for lunch. My first aussie fish n'chips!! Then after lunch we did some role playing. Actually, it wasn't really role playing, we just had to model a lesson. We had to teach the plan of salvation on the spot. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but my companions and I did the best, because we used our own words, and it was more simple. The spirit was strong. The other companionships did awesome too! It was cool to see how much my friends from the mtc have grown! Then we took a bus to ballijurra. It was one of Elder Maybee's old areas. He visited the As. They fed us well. I Then we took the train back to thornlie. We did some tracting until 8:00, then we had a little surprise birthday for Elder Mamea at kfc He is 23!! then A took us home.

Friday- We took the bus to Thornlie , then we walked to Brother R's house. It always feels like we are there for ages. It feels like time stops there, because we were only there like 45 minutes, and I felt like we were there for 3-4 hours. We shared with him some missionary scriptures like d&c 100 and 84. He's just a little scared to do missionary work. I think it helped him.

Ww walked to brother T's house again. I practiced the song again, and it is already getting decent. We left with him a short message, then we dropped by L's house. We were straight up with him. We told him if he doesn't start keeping commitments that we can't come over anymore. He agreed, and he said he would come to church on Sunday so at-least that worked! Then we went to the Chapel to teach a recent convert, E. We asked him about his conversion, and he pretty much said the reason he was baptized was because he never really said no to the missionaries. We gave a him a quite bold reminder about the convenants he made at baptism. I think he's catching on now.
Then  from the chapel brother F picked us up. We had a massive feed. I finally tried some oaka. I'm not sure how to spell it. But it's this raw fish with coconut cream and veggies. It wasn't too bad. I accidentally spilled my cocoa on elder maybee ! Then we shared with them a quick message, and then we had to get home for our curfew. It was a pretty successful day though!

Saturday- we had heaps of appointments planned, but they ALL fell through!! So ended up doing a district blitz in thornlie. we knocked this street, and all the people were super nice!! A lot of them already were religious, but they were really respectful. We talked to this one phillipino guy, he was interested in having his whole family hear from the missionaries, so that's good! He told us we could come back anytime! Then the zone leaders dropped us back off at our flat, and we tried to go to the appointments, but they were all cancelled. So we walked to huntingdale in the rain to this phillipino kid's sister's birthday party.

Then we walked all the way home in the rain. We couldn't share a message, because the parents were drunk. It was disappointing.

Sunday- busy day! We did some double duty church because L could only come to 9:00 church. then we walked back to our flat to eat breakfast, then the zl's picked us up. Then we had mcm, then we met the referral that we got on Tuesday! He's this huge phillipino/samoan body builder! He was first introduced to the church in Singapore. He really likes the ysa activities!

Then during sacrament meeting, the Elders quorum president pulled us out because this guy in the hall needed a blessing. So Elder Maybee did the anointing, then we were all just looking at eachother for who should do the blessing. The man asked me to do it!

 I didn't even know what was wrong with him, So I asked him and then gave him the blessing! It was cool though. It was just like that Jeffrey R. Holland talk that lightning will strike, because I was not expecting that!!! then after church we went to our flat and ate, then we went to the Cullet's to share a message about why prayer and scriptures are so important. Then Angi picked us up, and  we shared a message about prayer! Then we got a ride home to the flat

Prayer was definitely the theme of this week! It was kind of a tough week with the rain and all, but I have a feeling we are supposed to keep tracting because of how nice we are being treated when we do it! So I'll let you all know how that goes! Thanks for your prayers and support, I really can feel them!
- Elder Beeson

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello family and friends! This week has been a crazy fast one, but really good!

Monday: We had a zone p-day at the chapel. We played basketball and volleyball and touch rugby. It was fun! I kept making Jimmer three's when I was playing basketball. Everyone loved it ;)

Tuesday: We had district meeting. It was suuuuuuuuuuuuuper rainy. We took the bus. From the bus stop to the church, we were absolutely soaked.  We went back and changed.  We took the bus to Thornlie because we didn't feel like biking. We stopped by Br. T's house! He's a 7 year convert, and he's in his 70's! He reminds me of a male aussie version of Nonna! I could have talked to him forever! We answered some questions he had about the plan of salvation.
After we went to this guy's house named  P. He is trying out for the Olympics this next year!! He is crazy fast! He can run an 800 in 1:46!  He is the third fastest in Australia. He's only 21 and he's less active. He's from sudan. We taught him about prayer.

Then we made appointments with people in the area and went on splits with the Bishop! Man!!!! Bishop is soooooo bold. He's an Italian guy and he doesn't waste anytime. We didn't really even teach or anything, he just told people they better start going to church. Then we had ward council, and I suggested that they turn up the organ because it's super quiet when we sing.They seemed to think that it was a good idea. 

Wednesday: We knocked on this one door, and no one answered, but then a lady came outside after we left her house to take out the trash. so we started talking to her, and then we ended up teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to her. I bore my testimony, and the spirit was strong, buuuuuuuuuuuut she didn't want us to come back... haha harsh!

We went to this one less active guy's house. He was a Melchezidek priesthood holder, but he has been inactive for a couple years. He had a big concern with the word of wisdom. He was arguing that it wasn't a commandment because it says in d&c 89 that it isn't. We explained to him it was, but pretty much no matter what we said, he would have argued. He was an arguer! hahaha I was feeling the heat of the room rise each time I tried to say something because he would cut me off! hahahaha But I said a pretty bold prayer at the end of it and the spirit came back! that was rough! Then we went to the K's,  who by the way emailed mom, but she couldn't remember why she had mom's email address. So there you go mom. We taught their foster son . He is progressing pretty well! He hadn't smoked for 4 days! Then she gave us some rice pudding, and we rode home!

Thursday: We got a ride in the morning from L's to go to her parents new house in midland. We did yard work, and there were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so so so so many bugs I was freaking out. But I didn't show it on my face hahahaha. But yeah, no spiders, but everything else was very abundant.  They fed us some lamb, chicken soup, and buns (rolls) ;) then they drove us back.

Then we got to our flat, changed, and rode all the way to the H's, which was a 45 minute bike ride. They are a recently converted family. Brother H is sooooooooo good. He has the best laugh ever. We taught them about being in the world and not of the world and we related in to Lehi's dream. It worked out pretty well! Then we went to the hospital to visit this guy Elder Maybe knew. His name was Nephi! He got choked up when he asked for a blessing. We gave him one. Elder Mamea did the anointing, and Elder Maybee did the blessing. The spirit was so strong. 

Friday: We weekly planned... We were going to the K's to drop offi a present, but on our way over there, we saw this teenage/ young adult kid playing with these weird glowing rope things. We started talking to him, he was a big time hippie. But he let us come in his camper where he smokes pot to teach him the plan of salvation! Um.. I felt like a true missionary. The spirit was so strong as we taught him though. He didn't want a return appointment , which was disappointing.But it was a good start.
 We went to the K's and practiced our 4 minute model of the restoration. Sister K and her cousin in law gave me the nicest compliment while I was there. They told me I have an old soul, which means that that I know who I am and it seems like I have been teaching the gospel for a long time before I came here. It was something I needed to hear. It was so nice.
 Later we went  to an African guys house, he wasn't home, so we went to this house that Elder Mamea found success in tracting into. There was this African guy there named P. He has the hugest arms. We complimented him a ton on his arms to the point that he wanted us to come back and teach him! so yeah, new investigator!!!
 We went to this non-active's house and taught them about prayer. they were really nice.

Saturday: We went with President Pemberton to his in-laws house to do some service. We raked leaves for a solid 3 hours. But it felt so good to do something different.  We had lunch there. It was veggie soup with potatos in it.  And they gave us a ton of lollies and chips.

Then we got home and did companionship study. Then we went to P's house and tried to teach him the restoration. He was tough to teach. We barely got through Heavenly Father blesses families, and we were there for almost an hour. We got a return appointment though! 

We got to go see N again, because wanted some hungry jack's. Turns out though, that N is S's uncle. hahahaha N rebuked S pretty hard, because S hasn't been doing good, which was good for S to hear, I think.
Sunday: We had mcm, then Sacrament meeting. My companions and I all bore our testimonies. It was good. The Bishop commented on how bold my testimony was, I was surprised, because I didn't think I was being bold, but apparently my testimony is becoming more bold:)

After church we visited N to give him the sacrament. We dropped by the flat to break our fasts and eat first. We went and had a little sacrament meeting with him because the Bishop gave us permission. We sang a few songs, then we prayed and we gave him and his non-member sister the sacrament.  Elder Maybee shared a good scripture. The spirit was so strong, by the end of it N and his sister were crying. We went by to visit the P's. We talked with Sister P about family history and faith. It was good. She is the best lady.

That was the week!! it all went by sooooooooooooo fast! I hope they all go by as fast as this one did. I pray for you all at home everyday! I love you all

-Elder Beeson

Family!!! It's so good to hear from you! :)
I KNEW  this would happen! as soon as I left, that you'd go on a ton of trips!!! Sooooooooooooooooooooo annoying. that's like the only thing I ever want is to travel, then you do it as soon as I leave. but it's okay, I'm down unda! :)

I'll just tell you what happened in my week!

Monday-we had kind of a Elder's zone p-day. We played basketball and volleyball. It was fun.

Then we went to the Stake President's house, President Pemberton for dinner. They have the funniest family. They are all grown up. Their youngest is in his 20's but we had the best time with them. President P served in the SEM! he was bragging about it just like dad always does.

He made me eat a spoonful of vegemite, then eat a super hot pepper, then drink mylo! my mouth was so confused!!! hahahaha I feel like a true Aussie! ;)
Then we shared the restoration with them and asked for referrals! he gave us heaps!!!! it was awesome :)

Then we went to a fhe at the M's house! They have a son who is EXACTLY like Jack, but shorter with an Aussie accent. Same mannerisms and everything. It was so funny. Brother M wrestled with Elder Maybe outside as part of the FHE. It was pouring rain, they looked hardcore. I talked to Elder Mamea while that was happening. He is the best! He's so humble and funny.


We started the day off and I was senior companion for the day. One of the sisters in our zone needed a blessing because she was sick. We went there and I gave the blessing. It's weird how the words just come to you. It's not weird, it's amazing.

We went to Brother R's house. We looked through all these world trip binders he had. He has been everywhere! I was so jealous. Then we taught him the plan of salvation. He didn't have any referrals for us.... but its okay! Hopefully we strengthened his testimony.

On our way back to our flat, there was this old lady who looked like she was having trouble walking and so we helped get into her house. It took all of... 20 minutes! Man! Good thing we came!

We went to our flat, I had 3 packs of ramen, and we were on our way. We went to D's house for our appointment. He wasn't home.. hhaha this is the classic situation dad always told me about. So what did we do?

We tracted!! hahaha

We knocked on the first door and it was a Muslim. She said the the whole street was pretty much Muslim. But we kept trying. We went to this one door, and when we knocked on the door, the garage opened instead. He was standing there in a wide stance folding his arms and staring at us. I felt like I was in a movie hahaha. I introduced us, and I asked him if we could share a bit about our church. He said , "go ahead."  That caught us off guard. Apparently that had never happened to Elder Maybee in the 23 months he's been out.

So we all kind of started panicking (mentally of course ;) ) Well let's just say it was rough. But we got talking to him and he said he's open to any religion, so we can visit him anytime, he gave us his number, and we gave him a restoration pamphlet!

We went to the R's house for dinner. He reminds me of Br. Woodhouse mixed with Morgan's uncle, David. He was a funny guy. 

Good dinner/ good time. 
We taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then we went to the H's for a second dinner with lamb...  I ate as much as I could.

We talked about the scriptures and Patriarchal blessings. It was a good lesson and then we watched some Mormon messages.

Wednesday- Pretty uneventful. We weekly planned, then we tried to visit a couple of people. No one really answered their doors. We had a to hurry and get to a lesson at the chapel with a RC. But it started pouring down rain! like harrrrrrd!
So my companions were just flying on their bikes! I was trying to keep up with them, but then I went around a corner, and I biffed it harrrrrrrd!!! I couldn't breathe for a solid minute. I was wheezing, and making sounds I've never made before. hahahahah

I hit my head on the sidewalk (luckily I had my helmet on ;) ) and my arm was soaked. I only got a couple cuts. I got a cut on my hand, and on my opposite arm... hahaha typical me.

Then we went to the lesson. We taught 3 Nephi 18. It was a good lesson. Then we had a long bike ride to the F's they gave us some good food. They put potatoes on my plate... and I ate probably a half a potato! I was proud of myself.
We taught them the Restoration, and had them participate, (they had like 8 kids.) 
Afterwards we went to L's house. He is a 17 year old foster kid. He reminds me of Wesley Vincent. Good heart. We taught him about prayer and the restoration. I felt the spirit direct me to talk about prayer though, because he has been trying to give up smoking. It ended up going very well. He has been texting us throughout the week telling us what he has been reading in the BOM!! Awesome!!!! Then we rode home!

Thursday-we helped this family move for 5 hours! They were a non member family too! So we had some good conversation. Their name is the S's. The Husband is a professional Chef, and the Wife is a diesel Mechanic. Interesting combo! It was good to do something out of the usual!

She took us to Subway after for helping them. They also gave us the cook book he wrote, and some homemade jam! Good stuff. We'll have to visit their new house sometime, because we all got along well, and the wife was interested!

We went to our flat and got in our proselyting clothes. We tried visiting like 4 or 5 houses, but no one was home. So we went to S's house. He wasn't home, but the Dad, and his son named C was home. The dad was drunk, and C was making fun of him. We talked with C for a while. He looks just like Tyler Goodman. He's an awesome kid with a very good heart. He was baptized earlier this year, so we left a short message about the Holy ghost with him.
After we went to our dinner appointment at the M's. Their house is like Everybody loves Raymond. Because they all share the same backyard, so Brother M's brother came to dinner just out of the blue. He is 32. We taught the restoration. The spirit was strong. We committed them to give a Book of Mormon to someone they know who needs it. Then this guy gave us a ride home. He had a bike rack on his car. We had to stop buy his house though to get it. He had a dog the size of a pony, and I didn't see it right next to the door, so when I walked past, it barked and I uncontrollably screamed! OH and Brother M also served in the SEM.

We had an awesome zone conference! President Fife is the man. He has these one-liners that are so bold, and they will just blow you away. He kind of reminds me of dad, because he has so many things memorized. He's a funny guy too, very animated. I met sister Henrie there.
After zone conference we went to the Ko's because they said they'd feed us and give us free haircuts! Sounded good to me. 
We had a lesson about the Book of Mormon and how we came to know it was true. I shared my 4th of July experience I had last year. It was a good lesson. then A gave us a ride home, we left our bikes there so we could tract to them the next day.

Saturday. We tracted to the K's to get our bikes. We met this guy who was weeding his lawn. He was a Presbyterian. He was happy to see Jesus Christ on our tags. We talked to him about Christ. We made a deal that if we went to his church, he'd have to come to ours. He agreed. hahah it didn't end up happening, because his church is outside our zone.  We went and contacted more people on the street. Nothing really happened. We got our bikes and went to Nandos!! It's  a super popular restaurant here! Super good.

Then we went to this Chirstmas in july thing at another house. They had a whole pig!!! It was awesome!
We talked about the Savior's birth, but more on his life, and how we can remember what he did in his life by partaking of the sacrament each Sunday. Good thought. Then we ate. We went to a 7th day's house and had dinner. She was so kind. She gave us a ride home and leftovers.

Sunday We found out during mcm that Dcouldn't be baptized ;( his mom said no, but he still want us to drop by on Wednesday. So we will! We sang a musical number in sacrament meeting. Then Brother R called me out in sacrament meeting and said that he, just like me, committed someone to baptism his first day... awkward, because now it's not happening.. but we will see what we can do!

We went to our flat and had a little bit to eat, and biked to the K's for A's birthday.

We had dessert, and they taught me some rugby. It was fun!

That was the week. I feel like I"ve been here for ages already! But heaps of fun! I've still yet to see a giant spider, but I know it'll happen. Thanks for your prayers! I truly do feel them :)

-love Elder Beeson