Monday, July 20, 2015

First letter from Australia

I'm glad you got my email. Everything here is so much different than I thought it'd be!!!!! I'll go through the week.
Thursday-I met my companions (yes companions) I'm being trained by Elder Maybee from Centerville Utah, and Elder Mamea from Samoa. I'll talk about each of them a little bit later. Then we trained pretty much all day. Then we had to go to the post office to get our working with children cards. Kinda weird. then we went to an atm, and got money out for my bike. ( The money here looks super weird btw, it looks like monopoly money hahaha) Then we got my bike and bedding, and we headed to our flat. The first thing I did was go through all the rooms and check for spiders hahhhahaha! We are pretty good, although I did kill a couple of bigger spiders today. I have good trainers though because they are scared of spiders too! haha we then weekly planned and we went to bed. I was exhausted!!!! Oh! I forgot to tell you,on Wednesday night, I went with and Elder from the Phillipines and one of the AP's and we went contacting in downtown Perth! Super weird/ cool! hahaha there really are some weird people out there. We met a guy that was super intellectual. We also met some genuinely interested people. The first person I tried to contact totally rejected me!!!! All she said to me was "Go away! I don't want to talk to you!!" hahahaha I felt like a missionary.
companions- Elder Maybee is like Jeffery Cox. He looks and acts like him. So he's pretty fun to be around. 

Elder Mamea is Samoan.  I'll send a picture. He doesn't speak English very well. but he has the best heart. The only thing he ever says to me is that I'm looking scux. (look it up. ;) ) but yeah, great trainers!

Friday- My first full day in the field!!! We started off tracting. like 2 people were home and we knocked like 20 houses. We met an Aussie getting ready to go to work and a muslim who wasn't interested. (side note- I did what dad did btw. I got a rock from the inside of my Mission presdent's house, and I've been carrying it around with me everywhere! I knew dad would be proud. ;) ) 

 Then we got on our bikes and we visited this former investigators house. they said that they were super busy and that they would be too busy to have lessons again. but then The guy's wife said she wanted us to come in and say a prayer with them. So we went in and we started talking to them about why they stopped coming. They said that Joseph Smith wasn't a true prophet because of his polygamy and stuff. I wanted to say something about that, but I never got the chance. I wanted to say something that I learned in the mtc which is that if we want to know if Joseph Smith is a prophet, all we have to do is ask God, He was there!! I wish I would have said it. But then we said a prayer, and Elder Maybee asked if we could come over and teach again. they said yes!! They really are solid people though, both of them are straight thinkers and down to earth. Good people. So I guess I can tell them that today, because we have a lesson with them later tonight. 

Then we went to this kid's house and we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then in the middle of the lesson, Elder Maybee leaned over to me and said to set the baptismal date on August 21st.So I invited him to be baptized! He said he was already baptized. So we went over the whole Authority issue, and he said he would in the 21st!! My first day in the mission baby!!!!!!! hahaha jokes, it was the spirit, but still. Then I was just exhausted for the rest of the night. We went to a part member family's house.. They fed us pork and rice. I already had dinner before then at another member's house .. I ate as much as I could then I sat down and about fell asleep. the Jet lag is a lot crazier than I thought! Then we went back to our flat

Saturday- Kind of a slow day. We started out at a brothers house at abreakfast. Since the ward is mostly poly's, it was huge!!!! good food. then we went back to our flat and finished studies. I love that Hour I get of study time. I've already learned so much more than I thought I would. I've started reading Jesus the Christ. It was soooo good. anyways, then we went to the shops ( the store/ mall) and I bought 4 packages of tim tams!!! amazing!!!! hah! then we waited at our flat for a less active member to pick us up so we could by him lunch for not smoking for a week. We went to KFC, which is super popular here. We ate it at this park that has a sweet view. It was on the black swan river, and the city was in the background! super cool park,.

tWe went and visited the K's. They are the best. they are totally that family that I know I'll want to go and visit after my mission. They had a drumset there and I played them some sweet beats ;) They fed us too! I think I have had 2 dinner appointments every night I've been here so far! I've probably gained 5 kilos already. oh well. 

Sunday- we took the bus to church. We had MCM

 meeting. then we greeted people for like 45 minutes. We went to all of our meetings. Then there was a baptism after church. Elder Mamea and I 

were the witnesses. it was cool. Then this guy names O gave us a ride and then we hung out and shared a message with them. We played pterodactyl and other games like that it was super fun. Also, the sister missionaries were there with us. . 

I love it here!!! Everything is a ton different than I thought it'd be. The crows here sound like lambs. Weird. hahahaha but yeah, don't worry about me, I'm having a great time. 

Love, Elder Beeson

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