Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dear family,
First off, I want you to know that I am safe. My zone leaders told me to write you the first night, but I had zero time!
I LOVE IT HERE!!! I honestly don't think I've been this consistently genuinely happy since I was little. I truly have felt the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost since living by these higher missionary rules.
Right now I finally have the time to write you.  My companion is Elder wheeler, (from Mount Pleasant right next to me Manti )
He looks just like Steven Okleberry, played football in high school .We get along well,he just doesn't talk much. Thank you for all of your mail! I've enjoyed it. Oh! And thank Morgan for her package too!

I have the best district! I love them. Oh and guess who is DL…? Me! Eliza called it, ha ha! Our district is small.

I really am as happy as can be. No offense, but I don't miss anyone too bad.
We got our travel plans! :-) We leave on July 13.
We fly from Salt Lake City to LA then from there to Sydney and Perth. July 14, 2015 will not exist!
If we take the same flight back, it will be just like Lost!! Ha ha. I was chosen as the flight leader too. I'm supposed to fly with Elder Wheeler, Sister Dishman and Mortensen and some other random sister who isn't in our district. She is probably speaking a foreign language.

But yeah, I love role-playing now. It's so funny, because I hated it before. But I think the fact that I'm actually a missionary now helps bring the spirit so much more powerfully and quickly. I don't know if that last sentence made sense.

I've seen pretty much everyone from AF! Moses Chang, Colby Frost (who's my ZL)James Empey ,Luke Lucas, Jarod Bradshaw, Matt Rawlings, Betsey Peterson and Anna Gibb! I'm sure there are more. But it's been so good to see the people I know dedicating their lives to the Lord.

Oh! I feel like I've been here forever, by the way. Matt was right. The first three days are killer long. Sorry this was all over the place! Get used to it! Just know I'm safe, I love you, I don't miss you and I'm the happiest elder on earth!
I love you. I'm not going to give you missionary advice because I always think that's annoying :)
Elder Beeson

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