Sunday, January 15, 2017

Getting Burned

Dear friends and Family, 
I don't have too much time today, because we are helping someone move, but this week was pretty awesome, and hot!

I was on exchanges with Elder Kimmins from Canada, and we did some tracting and biking on the super hot day. I think it got up to 43 degrees! We tracted into this dude from Pakistan, and he has a terminal illness, and he's only young, like 30. But he told us that he has been confused why he has this illness, because he has been good his whole life. ( he stood outside and talked with us btw in the 43 degree heat and was sweating) and we told him that we were there to help he see the big picture. His eyes lit up and he is sooooooo keen to learn! We also tracted into this dude from Nigeria whose brother is a member and he has been looking for a church to come to since he has been here! it was cool! 

We also went on exchanges with Elder Taupau. It was funny because I was still with elder Matautia, and the whole day I was biking in the middle of them so it was an oreo ;) But yeah we had Elder Taupau lead out the biking, and we ended up on this street tracting, and there was this phillipino lady that we talked to, and then all the sudden this dude from Singapore comes up behind her and he knows Elder Matautia from being his next door neighbour when Elder Matautia served in queens park! So she let us in, and half way during talking to them, I remembered that there was someone on that street who I met over a year ago at church, so I asked if there was a M's there, and it was his house!! He is this massive body builder dude, and he has been having a pretty rough year, but he told us that he has been praying to be able to get back on track spiritually, and that us knocking on his door is a sign that he needs to be a Mormon!! what the?! it was nuts! So we are teaching him now too! 

This fast sunday was soooooo good. I was studying all this week about fasting, and it helped me prepare, and to receive the inspiration I need right now. I'm so grateful for the power of praying and FASTING. I love my area and the ward and my companions, and everything!!! and you all too ;) 

Love Elder Beeson

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