Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Best Week Yet!


Okay, that's enough with the caps. BUT how's everyone going?? I hope you're week was as great as mine! (doubt it..) Just kidding, can you tell I'm excited?

I just wanted to share a miracle that happened this week, along with some things that I've learned. There is a member in our ward who is an incredible member missionary. He always invites everyone to come to church with him. He has a neighbor, her name is J, that has been coming to church for the past two weeks. She mentioned she wanted to learn from the missionaries, so guess who they called? NOT Ghostbusters, THE MISSIONARIES! We went and taught her, invited her to be baptized and she accepted our invitation!! But we were bummed because she wanted to wait until April.. So we invited her to pray about it! Long story short, after she prayed, she had a dream. In the dream she kept wanting to take a shower and just felt super dirty, and wanted to be clean. Every time she went to get in the shower, someone would always pull her away. When she told us this, I'm pretty sure I was drooling because of how obvious it was that it was an answer for her to be baptized. We got a call, and she told us that she wants to be baptized January 28th!! How flipping amazing is that? I'll tell you. It's flipping amazing.

I'm learning how much I really need Christ in my life. I am learning that I am really an instrument in His hands. As I lean to him with all of my weaknesses, if I give him everything, He will direct me in the ways I need to be going. He truly is my perfect example, and need Him in my life. I know how much He can bless our lives, and I invite you all to take a moment, and really thank Him for all that you have. I love you and I am grateful for all of your support. Have a great week!! :)

Love, Elder Beeson

Also elder Matautia went him this week. sooooooooooooooo sad to see him go. he is one of my greatest role models and friends. I served with him for 6 months total. I hope I can be like him someday!  

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