Monday, May 9, 2016

Dear family and friends, 

What the week this has been. Madness. But it has been joyous as well. Good things are happening here in Merriwa. 

We have had Elder Esterninos with us for the past week because of an interesting situation. He is awesome though. His testimony is so powerful and sincere. On Wednesday, we followed up with a former that Elder Matautia found a few months ago. Her name was N. We invited her to be baptized, and she said yes, but then we didnt' see her again after that. So we felt we should follow up on her again, and she was finally home!! 

She was really excited for us to come back again as well. So that was a treat, then right after that we felt we needed to follow up with another former. His name is H he is from New way island ( that's not how you spell it but that's how it sounds ;) ) Any who, we were talking to him, and then he out of no where said, " have yous had a feed?" and we said no, then he said "meet me at Mackas in 15. " yeahhhh!! So we went to mackas ( Mcdonalds) and he bought us HEAPS  of food! like a full meal each and then 3 more burgers each.

 But yeah we got to know him, and he told us about how missionaries used to come by, but they never actually taught him anything, they just came by because they knew that he would feed them! Pretty sad. We got talking and he told us that his dad passed away last year. He said he has had heaps of questions ever since his passing. He asked us a lot of them, and we answered him back by asking him questions. He was really intrigued. We told him about the plan of salvation. He said that he didn't believe it was heaven and hell right after death, he belived there was a waiting period. pretty cool! We told him he was right, and he was really intrigued after that! Anywho, we ended up going back on Sunday, yesterday, and he gave us some umu ( meat covered in banana leaves which cooks underground) and he said that he wanted us to come back later this week! Nice! He's the man!

That night we got a call from the assistants saying that Elder Matautia had to come to MLC with his  bags packed.... :( so sad. So Thursday we said a lot of goodbyes to members and things. We ended the night at M's house. The spirit was so strong!! N came as well, which was a miracle because we haven't been in contact with her for like 3 weeks! Anywho, we pretty much had a testimony meeting, it really wasn't planned though. It was so powerful because the two girls J, and S bore their testimonies about how they knew the church was true as well, even though their stepmom has been giving them anti stuff. It was just pure testimony, and even N bore her testimony about how the things we have taught her have blessed her life. Everyone was a little teary, partly because Elder matautia was leaving, but mostly because the spirit was so stong there. 

On Friday morning we went to MLC and got our new companions. Elder Matautia ended up going down to my first area down towards canning vale to gosnells. and Elder Tutton the AP is now my companion. He is from the UK and this is his last transfer, which basically means I'll at least be in Merriwa until August, which I am pretty keen for! :) 

Sunday was pretty crazy becauase we had to go to Elder Esterninos's ward as well in the morning. We went to Joondalup ward and Merriwa ward. It was great! We had to Skype at different times though because Elder Tutton's family is only 7 hours behind while mine is 14. so yeah lots of time at Hirini's house haha!

This week was pretty awesome besides how frantic everything was. I love being a missionary. I honestly do not want to be anywhere else right now. It's sooooooo good. I feel so happy as I try my best to share the gospel with everyone. I know that this is the most joyous thing to do. I loooove love love it :)) 

happy mothers day again to y'all :) 

love Elder Beeson

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