Monday, May 23, 2016

Dear Family and Friends,
This week was AWESOME!! So many good things happened this week, there were just some awesome small miracles.

 On Wednesday, we had an awesome lesson with B who was a former. We had a lesson at The G's house and the G's bore powerful testimony to her. The spirit was pretty strong, she said she would be baptized as well!! We will be working with her to get her there hopefully by the end of next month :) She already has quit smoking as well which is AWESOME.

 On Thursday, we had an a really good lesson with this family that has been a potential family the whole time I have been here. It was the M family. The dad is full german and the wife is straight aussie. They let us in, and we were chatting, then we finally got to state our purpose clear, every other time we had been there in the past, something always districted either them or us to take us away from our purpose, and then we had a really good discussion with them on the Godhead. They all got really into it. We taught a little of the plan of salvation as well. The mother and son are both pretty keen and we will teach them this week!

 On Friday we went to visit a recent convert/ less active. His name is D and he has been struggling ever since he was baptized. We had a really long talk with him, but then he told us about how he really is wanting to come back. Then out of nowhere, he told us that his Mom wants to be baptized! haha nice!

So we set up a time to see him and his mom, and we will be seeing them tonight at the H's! pretty pumped about that. Then later that night we went to the G's. Pretty nuts, I made the connection that I met sister G's daughter before I came on my mission. They did this perth culture night at my grandma Gaye's house before I left. haha I 've been in Sister G's ward for like 4 months and just now made that connection! Her son used to be the bishop in Merriwa ward.  Bishop K! haha crazy. Then we went to the S's and Brother S told us about how he felt like he just needed to start reading his scriptures again! nice! that family is making some awesome progress!

 On Saturday we went to T's house. He's a less active that is making some awesome progress. We always just have really good discussions there. He told us that he prayed for the first time in YEARS, the night before. That was way cool. Then we talked to him about the Spirit, and then he shared with us a SUUUUUUPER spiritual experience that he had when he was young. Elder Tutton and I were blown away, after he told us about it, he was kind of teary eyed, and he told us that he wasn't going to drink that night! haha it was really cool though, and he ended up coming to church yesterday as well! nice!

 After church on sunday we went with D to see H. We had a super duper spiritual lesson with him about the plan of salvation! D is soooo good as a ward missionary. He knows how to teach. We also visited this Cook Islander Fella after dinner last night, and had a good lesson with him. He is 85 years old and has read the book of Mormon 49  times! Such a saint.
> haha I feel like I missed writing about a lot of the miracles that happened this week, but overall this week was awesome!!
> Ilove you friends and family,
> love elder Beeson

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