Monday, April 18, 2016

This weekend was awesome my dear family and friends. There were some pretty spiritual experiences this weekend.

On Thursday night we had stake Correlation with President Fife, and the Stake president, President Brodie. President Brodie asked us to role play for him how our typical member power visits are, so I started role playing, and then he cut me off and gave me HEAPS of stuff I was doing wrong! hahaha then elder Matautia tried and he got cut off too. Anywho, by the end of it we got some AWESOME tips for how to ask for referrals! We Also taught N the entire plan of salvation that night as well. She seemed to understand it pretty well and the spirit was pretty strong. After that we felt impressed to go to this active member's home, and then when we got there the less active son who we haven't seen in ages was there and we were able to give him a good pep talk. It was pretty cool.

We had another lesson with N on Friday night at the H's. Brother H is from fresno. it was nice to talk to an American! haha the dinner was suuuuper American an good and stuff. Then we asked for referrals from K and N the way that President Brodie asked us to start trying to do, and they both had some people. it was cool though because while we took a moment of silence to ponder, I had the name "michelle" pop into my head. I could not think of any michelles I knew. then after the silent minute, kim said that she had the name "michelle" come to mind, and that she didn't even know a michelle. Then Elder Matautia realized that we got a referral from a member the other day and her name was michelle! That was pretty cool!

On Saturday we did quite a bit of service. We sawed some tropical plants off of this huge bush and planted them all over the place. then we weeded at M's because she has seemed pretty stressed lately. then later that night we had a lesson at the Main's house with M and the girls. We did the referral thing and J said that the name 'jeff' popped into her head and jeff is a dude who we met the other week who we have been neglecting to call lately! So we will be following up with him. then M asked us to go visit her Indonesian friend. So on sunday night we "tracted" into her friend J, and we had a short chat, then J said that we could come back as soon as school holiday was over to teach her and the fam! What a treat!! then we had an awesome cottage evening at the R's and got to play games and had a lesson and food and stuff it was pretty cool and stuff.

But yeah, haha sorry kind of in a rush today, but this week was great! I learned more about how heavenly father communicates with us on a daily basis!

I love you all,

love elder Beeson

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