Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dear family and friends,

 It is honestly so hard to remember all the things that happen as soon as I get to the computer to email. haha I'll try my best ;)

On Tuesday we tracted in the morning, and the second door we knocked on answered the door. His door was already opened actually, but his screen door was closed. He came to the door, and he said he wasn't interested, but we kept asking him questions and kept talking to him. He eventually opened the door and was talking to us face to face, and then he came outside completely and we talked to him, and then he invited us in. He gave us a glass of water and we had an AWESOME spiritual talk with him. His name is L and he is from South Africa (he's white) anywho, his concerns were really sincere. He told us that he wants to do the right thing, but everytime he went to a church, they asked him for all of his money. So he was really shut down from that. But then we taught a mixture of a few lessons. It was mostly on the nature of God and about prayer. We also invited him to be baptized, and he said he wasn't sure. We resolved his concern, but he still wasn't sure. We will follow up this week with him :)

On Wednesday we had another mission conference. Elder Nelson from the 70 came. I learned some really simple lessons from him. I think the biggest thing I got from it was we should follow the spirit and not care about any body else's experiences. If we come to recognize the spirit's voice, we need to follow it, and not worry about what people say.

On Thursday we had MLC with Elder Nelson. Pretty intense. The spirit was really strong though. He just hammered into us that we have to be preach my gospel missionaries in order for the work to succeed.

On Saturday I went on an exchange with Elder Esterninos from the Phillipines. He is so humble. His desire to help others is so pure. I learned a lot from him. We were able to see some cool little miracles that day. It was nice because we finally got to be on the bikes the entire day, because I got a new bike because mine got stolen from off our balcony, but I have a new/ used one now, but anyways, we went to Z's house, and we had an awesome lesson on Alma 18, on obedience. Z's girlfriend's dad joined in, and read with us. He cut us off while we were talking, and he was saying how cool ammon was because he wasn't killed when someone lifted up their sword to slay him. After the lesson Z told us that his girlfriend's dad has been reading the Book of Mormon out of curiosity lately because we have been coming over. G ( the girlfriends dad) then asked us as we were leaving how Christ came to the America's. I said "probably through the same power he was resurrected." I think it answered his question ;) Then we went to this excommunicated lady's house and talked to her partner. He isn't too keen on missionaires "preaching" to him, so we had a good conversation instead ;) he opened up heaps though! he told us of all these spiritual experiences he has had, and we invited him to have more by praying! Then we had an awesome member visit at the H's. Brother H told us he felt like our visit was meant to be, because he said that he felt like his family was living the gospel quite complacently. So that was awesome. Elder Esterninos bore powerful simple testimony wherever we went. He was such an example to me that day.

Yesterday, ANZAC day was pretty cool. We went to a dawn service at like 5:30. it was a lot like the memorial service we have, but it was just super early in the morning. We followed up with one of our investiagors, Hosea, and had a good conversation. Lately with him he is pretty shut down when we try to bear our testimonies, so we applied the gospel to his life so he felt comfortable, and so he felt he needed it. Then we followed up with this Aboriginal dude that we were referred to from a lady off the street. His name was E. We met him a few weeks ago, and he was suuuuper drunk, but then when we went back, he said that he didn't remember us at all! haha But he said that he wanted us to come back to teach his family, so that's a treat! :) Then my front tire on my bike went hard core flat, so we walked in to a few member's houses, no one ended up having a pump, so we had brother L pick us up at the end of the day. We went and saw the W's' right before he picked us up, and it's awesome to see the progress they are making. They are a family the stake has been working on for ages because they haven't been through the temple yet, and they are all active. They told us of all the things they are giving up so they can go to the temple as a family this june! it built my testimony of the atonement of jesus Christ.

This week I feel I have grown a lot. Over time on my mission I've been able to see things as they really are. My perspective has changed a lot on myself, the work, and especially Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I feel my perspective has changed so much just because I am constantly thinking of them. I never have thought about Them and my eternal potential so much in my life than I have now. It helps me to make wise decisions. It helps me feel the spirit. The gospel has so much power in application than people give it credit for. I know the church is true. I know I'm a son of God.

I love you family,
love Elder beeson

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