Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dear Family and friends, 
This week was pretty awesome! We've been doing heaps of finding in  the richest suburb in our area: Mindare. We have been tracting mansions, and actually have been having some success doing it too!

On Wednesday I was on exchanges with Elder Birch. We prayed about where we needed to be in the morning and we both felt strongly that we needed to be on this one street. So we walked near the area, and knocked on a few doors, no one was too keen, but then we got on the actual street that we felt like we needed to be on, and we me this Englishman named E. We were talking for a bit, and then he tried to end the conversation, but then we asked him a few more questions, and he just said that we could not answer any of his questions, and then we asked him what his questions were, and he got right up in our faces and was almost yelling about how much his misses his wife that passed away a few years ago. He told us about how much he loved her and misses her now. He showed us in his pocket a picture of her, and said that he always keeps her on his heart. We told him that our purpose wasn't to tell him what to believe, but to help him recognize answers to prayers he has been putting up for years. He was surprised by that, but then he closed himself off. But we did teach him how to recognize answers to prayers, which I think was the sole reason of us being on the street to meet him.

On Thursday we were tracting and found K. She literally just sits at home all day because she is pregnant and rich. So we started teaching her the plan of salvation, and she loved it! so we will be following up with her tomorrow, she's suuper keen!

Saturday was madness in the morning. There was a big easter celebration at the chapel and that went until 11 the baptism was at 12, and the chapel was a wreck!!! Luckily D's mom posted on facebook that it was actually at 12:30 by accident. We barely got everything to go smoothly and it was all good. it was a suuuuuper smooth service. The spirit was there. It has been cool to see success happening in this area and in the mission. I think this week was a record breaking week of baptisms throughout the mission. We had the most in one weekend since 2007! things are happening here.

Easter Sunday was awesome! The confirmations were great. Right before church though we visited a referral. It was this couple who have been addicted to all kinds of drugs, and they looked soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so so so sad. they literally had their heads hung down, and it was funny because that morning I read a scripture in 2 Nephi 10 that said we have no reason to hang our heads low because of Christ! So I shared that with them, and I could just see in their eyes how much they yearned to be truly happy. They couldn't come to church because they had to pick up a medication in a suburb that is like an hour away. and they can't function without it.

Yesterday was awesome! we did heaps of finding. we knocked on a few 4 story houses and talked to some really rich people. They weren't too keen. but then we followed up with a potential, and the potential's husband ended up coming out and we talked to him for like an hour. He believes in aliens and stuff haha. But he looked a lot like my grandpa Don, so I was just being as bold as I could with him because He reminded me of my gramps! haha It ended well, but nothing set on us coming back. Then we visited this less active who has the voice of Elder Uchtdorf. it was cool. He was a very spiritual man. Later that night we went to M and K's house to teach. N told us she had an overwhelming spiritual experience that day with prayer! Miracle!!!!!! that was suuuper cool

elder matautia and I will be staying together another transfer here in Merriwa! I wouldn't have it any other way! I can feel we will find someone soon who just needs us. We pray for it everyday.

I love Easter, and the saviour. I have come to realize this easter season how much in debt we truly are to him. I love the Lord.

Love, elder beeson

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