Monday, February 8, 2016

Dear Family and friends,

This week was awesome!! We saw a lot of progression from our Indonesian investigators :)

So on Monday the lesson we had with them was pretty much the make or break lesson. We felt prompted to teach about the nature of Heavenly Father and to show them the earthly father, Heavenly Father video. The Spirit was sooooooooo strong! The mother  and two younger daughters had already committed to a date, but her older 19 year old daughter came this time, and by the end of the lesson we were all shedding a few tears! Even the young girls! You could just see that they were feeling the spirit and realizing how much Heavenly Father loves them. So we invited the oldest daughter  to be baptized with her mom and sisters, so she could take the first step of being able to live with her family forever, and she said that she would! :)) They whole family wants to be baptized!!

On Wednesday we went to the F's to have a lesson with M and her family. The F's are a south African family. they are SOOOOOOO solid! We had an awesome lesson on the atonement, and all of the P family  read in preparation for the lesson! It was such a good night.
 Then on Thursday morning we got a call from M that she called her ex husband and asked if the daughters could be baptized, he just said straight up no. :( So it will only be M and K being baptized this month. But I reckon it is only a matter of time before the other girls get baptized too!
Then On Friday we had a lesson at M's house and taught the Plan of Salvation. K and M were both pretty much baring their testimonies the whole time! the Spirit was soooooooo strong!  K went with one of the YSA leaders in the ward to Mandurah for an activity!
Then yesterday we had an AWESOME fast Sunday. All of the testimonies were on point, and no one talked about any crazy things, Gospel principles was awesome we talked about faith, and they participated. Then they got fellowshipped in Relief Society and were invited to 2 member's homes for dinners this week! After church they stayed for a baptism, and they felt the spirit so strong! K said she had the goosebumps when she saw the baptism.

They are progressing sooooooo well! It's so cool to see how when we teach with the spirit that everything works out better.

We also are teaching another Mother and Daughter. They want to be baptized soon as well. They are Maori. They are super solid and stayed for all three hours of church and for the baptism as well! We will hopefully put them on a date for baptism this week too!

That is kind of a summary for the week! Sorry this email is all over the place I just don't have too much time to email! love you all

love elder Beeson

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