Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dear family and friends,

 This past week and a half was pretty crazy! We've been very very busy!
My birthday was awesome too by the way! Let me tell you about it!

So, the night before my birthday, we had a lesson at M's house with the K's. It was an awesome lesson! We had a suuuuuuuper good dinner. K made a peach pie, and they got a chocolate cake for me too! There's a really funny video of the whole thing, I'll see if I can send it somehow sometime! But I love their family! It was the best :) 

Then on my actual birthday, we decided we would just walk the entire day, and street contact, while visiting prospective Elders. It was really hot too! it was a solid 42 celcius the whole day! We went to this dude's house named toots and he let us in and he hasn't been to church in years, so we eased our way into teaching him the Plan of Salvation again! He was cool. He had two of his kids tattooed on his pecks.

 We were walking still, and then Brother L pulled over and offered us a ride, but we told him we were walking for the day, He called us and told us to come to IGA to get some drinks, so we went and then we continued walking. We walked past this house that said "Kiaora" on the outside, so we decided to walk there because Kiaora means hello in Maori.

 So we knocked, and it was this pregnant lady, and she was keen on having us back! Then we went to Sister C's house and she made me peach cobbler! Nice! ( thank you mom for telling her about that ;) ) 

Then we went to the N's for dinner. We had pizza, I had pretty much a whole box. We went on ward splits, and we talked to our ward mission leader's land lord, who wasn't keen at all!  We went to D's house for ANOTHER dinner and dessert! I have nnnnnnnnnnevver  been so full in my life! hahaha Oh my goodness was awesome though! 

This week we had M and K's interviews for baptism, and they both passed! They are going to be baptized on Saturday!! :) I'm soooooooo excited for them. They have changed heaps since we've been teaching them! The reason they have changed though is because they keep commitments. They each have such a strong testimony about the Book of Mormon. 

In fact, we had a lesson with them where we had them teach US the plan of salvation, and they taught it perfect!! It was cool because  K wasn't there when we taught it to M, so M explained it to K in Indonesian, then K taught it to us in English! ( thank you for the plan of salvation kit, Mom :) )

The baptism will be so good though, because the ward has fellowshipped them really well. Elder Matautia and I will be baptizing them both! He will be baptizing M, and I will be baptizing K. I'll be sure to send some pictures :)

Yesterday was a pretty cool day! We have been just walking heaps lately. We have this massive spider nest near our flat. It is a nest of globe spiders!! Scary!! They are huuuuuuuge. We have walked passed it everyday this past week. But after we passed it yesterday, we felt prompted to go to this less active's house on the way to this other less active's house we were walking to. 

We went in, and shared a quick scripture, and then right as we finished, these care workers for the lady that lived there walked in, and C, ( the less active) told the care workers she was Mormon, and that we were about to say a prayer. So we said a prayer, and left. We heard C talk some more about the church as we were leaving. It was cool we got to give C an chance to share the gospel in her own home. 

Then we saw a few potentials, it was good, one of them was excited to read the Book of Mormon, so we'll pray that goes well. 

Right after we gave B a Book of Mormon, we saw his neighbours across the street and he was leveling this massive pile of sand. So we asked if we could help, and surprisingly he said yes, and he got Elder Matautia and I some stuff to work with! It was fun! 

Then their neighbours came out, and then they just started asking us questions, and they were complimenting us so much and they asked if we could come by sometime because they thought we were amazing! hahaha !t was so funny. 

We are going to go by on Saturday to invite them all to church! The next door neighbours were especially keen! We then just left on the high note, and we are hoping to pull an Ammon with KING Lamoni ;)  

After the service, we went to the S's house, a less active who we have been visiting weekly. They have changed a ton since meeting them! They have put up pictures of the Savior and of the temple, and they have their scriptures on the coffee table and everything! The spirit is working on them. We had an awesome lesson with them on the Nature of God. 

This past week and a half I have learned a lot about service, and being willing to help no matter the cost. It has made the work even more enjoyable! I had a lot more experiences this week, but this is all I have time to email all of you :) 

Have a good week! CTR!! 

Elder Beeson 

Monday, February 15, 2016

February 14, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

Dear Family and friends,

This week was awesome!! We saw a lot of progression from our Indonesian investigators :)

So on Monday the lesson we had with them was pretty much the make or break lesson. We felt prompted to teach about the nature of Heavenly Father and to show them the earthly father, Heavenly Father video. The Spirit was sooooooooo strong! The mother  and two younger daughters had already committed to a date, but her older 19 year old daughter came this time, and by the end of the lesson we were all shedding a few tears! Even the young girls! You could just see that they were feeling the spirit and realizing how much Heavenly Father loves them. So we invited the oldest daughter  to be baptized with her mom and sisters, so she could take the first step of being able to live with her family forever, and she said that she would! :)) They whole family wants to be baptized!!

On Wednesday we went to the F's to have a lesson with M and her family. The F's are a south African family. they are SOOOOOOO solid! We had an awesome lesson on the atonement, and all of the P family  read in preparation for the lesson! It was such a good night.
 Then on Thursday morning we got a call from M that she called her ex husband and asked if the daughters could be baptized, he just said straight up no. :( So it will only be M and K being baptized this month. But I reckon it is only a matter of time before the other girls get baptized too!
Then On Friday we had a lesson at M's house and taught the Plan of Salvation. K and M were both pretty much baring their testimonies the whole time! the Spirit was soooooooo strong!  K went with one of the YSA leaders in the ward to Mandurah for an activity!
Then yesterday we had an AWESOME fast Sunday. All of the testimonies were on point, and no one talked about any crazy things, Gospel principles was awesome we talked about faith, and they participated. Then they got fellowshipped in Relief Society and were invited to 2 member's homes for dinners this week! After church they stayed for a baptism, and they felt the spirit so strong! K said she had the goosebumps when she saw the baptism.

They are progressing sooooooo well! It's so cool to see how when we teach with the spirit that everything works out better.

We also are teaching another Mother and Daughter. They want to be baptized soon as well. They are Maori. They are super solid and stayed for all three hours of church and for the baptism as well! We will hopefully put them on a date for baptism this week too!

That is kind of a summary for the week! Sorry this email is all over the place I just don't have too much time to email! love you all

love elder Beeson

Friday, February 5, 2016