Wednesday, January 27, 2016

G'day family and friends!

This week was quite the treat, we had a mini missionary with us for 4 days! We had some amazing things happen while he was with us!

 So first off, Elder Matautia and I thought we were going to be getting 2 mini missionaries, so we organized with members last Sunday to have at least 2 dinners a night, but most of the nights we had 3 dinners, so when we got our mini missionary ( Brother Winter) we were triple booked on dinners for the rest of the week!! So on Friday, we decided to go on splits so we could still have some of the dinners. So I went with Ford to the G's while Elder Matautia went to the K's to have dinner and a lesson with M and her daughters.

Ford and I had some cool experiences, we finished our dinner appointment a little early, so we decided we would go contacting while we were waiting for the other elders. We went walking down this street, and no one was there, but then on our way back to the car to go pick up the Elders, Ford saw a massive cargo ship container in someone's front yard, so we pulled over and talked to the people loading stuff into the container. It was a bunch of African people from Sierra Leon.

They were loading it full of TV's, suitcases, fridges, washers, car parts, and everything you can think of. So we talked to them for a bit, and then the father of all the kids there kind of went into bible bash mode, but then I cracked a joke so he backed out of it, and he said we could help him with service! Nice!

Meanwhile, Elder Matautia and Brother Winter set Mimi and her daughters on date!!! They all three want to be baptized on Feb 20th!! Super exciting. Brother Winter was the one who was able to extend the date too! Then we went to the N's recent convert family and had ANOTHER dinner and lesson, and we were sooooooooo full!
Ford got to share his testimony and was loving it! It was a good experience for him.
 We went back to Jeebe's house to do service on Saturday and on Monday. One of the kids was suuuuuuuuuper funny. They really appreciated our help, and they said they'd call us when they got another cargo ship container :)

On Monday I also got to go on exchanges with Elder Jackson. We tracted the ENTIRE day. He is a very diligent missionary. We talked to this lady who lives in a three story house on the coast. We committed her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon.

We had a ton of awkward contacting moments together that day, because Elder Jackson literally runs people down on the street, and he runs from door to door to save time! So it was quite the treat ;)

 This week was awesome! I learned that everyone needs to be heard out so they can trust you. Listening, observing, and discerning is key to teaching by the spirit!

Elder Beeson

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