Friday, January 1, 2016

On Saturday the Kenwick sisters in our district had a baptism. We didn't even invite L to come to the baptism, but he just showed up with Br. C. I have been teaching L the whole time I've been here.
He has been taught by missionaries for years. Then during the middle of the service, he just turns to me and says, "Why don't you baptize me?" We have never invited him to be baptized because he is a minor and a foster child, but I realized that he had turned 18 this month. So I said, "We can get you baptized next month if you come to church and read your scriptures." he said he would, so he committed to January 16th to be baptized!!
The Thornlie sisters also had an investigator commit to a date while we were at the service!! Crazy!!  Then on Sunday the sisters committed another lady to baptism, and so did the zone leaders! Things are just going soooooo well.

   Buuuuuuuuuuuut I got a call from President Fife right after Church on Sunday. I'm being transferred to Dianella to serve in Lockridge to be a zone leader. I honestly thought I would either be here forever, or that I would go to one of the country areas. Elder macki is staying here with Elder Arrieta, a Phillipino. My new companion is Elder Tapamania from Samoa.

 I just knew that as soon as things got good that I would want to stay but I wouldn't be able to. And that's what happened. But last night we went to the C's and I told L I was leaving. He was sad. But we had an AMAZING  lesson with him. Each lesson I've had with him is kind of all over the place because we all go on tangents, but this lesson was soooooo good. The spirit was so strong that you could just cut it with a knife. I was quite teary and so was he. I've never seen him be as engaged in the lesson as he was last night. He was crying during the closing prayer. I'll be able to come down for his baptism though!
 I'm going to miss Canning Vale but I'm ready to see who the Lord has prepared for me to teach in a different area.

 Until next year everyone, ;) 
 Elder Beeson

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