Tuesday, June 27, 2017

G'day everyone!
This week was a pretty interesting! We had some cool things happen this week, which was good because last week was pretty rough to be honest.
We went on a few exchanges. I went with Elder Noble on one of them, and we were walking everywhere, and so we decided that we would go "inspired tracting" along the way, but really we were just knocking all the doors that had flip- flops out front so we could find some Phillipinos for him to teach! And guess what? We didn't find Phillipinos to teach!
But we did find different Asian people who are pretty keen. We found a Indonesian family who has been looking for a church to go to, and a Malaysian dude who was keen to read the Book of Mormon. So yeah moral of the story, is that flip flop tracting is great ( the flip flops have to be small though ;) )
I also exchanged with Elder Tilivarua from Fiji this week. He's so funny. We were biking back to the flat for lunch, and we contacted this guy from Pakistan. He was pretty chill, and took a Book of Mormon, then he let us inside, and he's kind of a real health nut, so he pulled out all of these healthy things, and one of the things he pulled out was this apple cider vinegar, and he told us that it makes you skinny, so Elder Tilivarua wanted to have some because he's already gained some weight, and just after he drank it, I noticed on the bottle it said that it was naturally fermented..... buuuuuuuuuut we found out that it didn't actually have alcohol in it, so that's good! We had glow in the dark volley ball that night... it was alright.
The next morning, Elder Torrie and I decided to go to kind of this bush looking area, so we went and in between houses, this guy drove past us then pulled over, and asked if we were Mormons, and we said yes then he asked if we wanted to have a chat! We went over and he asked us quite a few questions, then we asked him questions as well, and we found out that he is actually going to bible school right now to become a Lutheran pastor! 
We then spent the next 2 hours talking about grace. It was hard to understand his definition of it all, and we ended up giving him a Book of Mormon, but yeah then we had a comp study about the whole thing afterwards, and we realized that we didn't understand each other, because we had different understandings of the plan of salvation. Wayyyy different. I get how to explain grace to people now heaps better than I did before!
Then yesterday we had S and T come to church! What a miracle! It's the 2nd time that is happened in my 3 and a half months being here! wooooo ;) 

This week I definitely learned how blessed we are to have the plan of salvation. It is so hard to understand a number of things that happen in life when you don't have a knowledge of the plan. But since we know it, it puts everything into proper prospective. The gospel is soo true.

Love you all!

Love Elder Beeson :)

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