Monday, June 12, 2017

Dear family and friends, 
This weekend was actually pretty full of opposition! I would definitely say it was one of the harder weeks of my mission, but nonetheless, I am still happy to be here serving! I'll share a little bit of what happened this week though, just so yous know whats going on here!
That one super keen guy that we picked up a week or two ago, the Iranian guy with dreads dropped us, and he left a note with the book of Mormon outside his door, saying he didn't want to see us anymore. 
Then the girl that was looking like she was super keen to be baptized, randomly moved to Mandurah, then the family that was supposed to be baptized a few weeks back now, have moved, and we don't know where they are, then the cool Maori guy we were teaching is out of credit on his phone, and his family doesn't know where he is, and then the worst one was yesterday at church...
We had our investigator come to church yesterday that we tracted into a weeks back, and we were so pumped/ shocked he made it, so during sacrament meeting, we told him that church was 3 hours, and he thought we were joking, but then we went to gospel principles, and he was looking super bored, then after that, as we were going to priesthood, I had to go to the bathroom, and so we told him we would be right back, and then literally one minute later we came back, and he was gone! We went to the car park, and his car was gone too! haha he literally peeled out and got away, so we shot him a text, and said that we would catch up with him during the week, but he texted back and swore at us and said he didn't believe in anything that was being taught. hahah.. yeah so that was pretty stink.
Amidst all of this, on Saturday, K was baptized. She was the lady that Elder Moller and I tracted into about 6 weeks ago. it was the first time that door knocking has ever yielded a baptism for me. So that was my tender mercy of the week.
I'm looking forward to smashing things this week though, get to start fresh with a new teaching pool! Elder torrie and I had a good talk about all of it last night, and we feel blessed to have a new start! it's going to be a sweet week! love it!

Love you all

love elder BEEson:) Inline image 1

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