Tuesday, June 27, 2017
My Last letter Home
Dear all,
This week was miraculous. The Lord just provided the way this week and made things happen.
went on exchanges with Elder Cordner this week up in the city. We
taught this Malaysian man who apparently goes every morning to pray
outside the temple. There have been a lot of missionaries who have tried
to talk to him in the past, but he was never really interested. Anywho,
one of the temple workers saw him one day and had a prompting to go
talk to him, so he did, and this temple worker invited him to church, so
Poon ( the Malaysian guy) came to church this last Sunday, and the
member arranged a time for us to meet with him and Poon.
we had the talk about it all right next to the baptismal font, and we
said an opening prayer, and the very first words that came out of Poon's
mouth were, "I've never been baptized before" so naturally we invited
him to be baptized, and he said that he would like to. It was such a
also had a super good meeting up in the city on Friday, and during that
meeting Elder Torrie and I had an impression that we needed to follow a
prompting that we both got about three weeks ago, and that prompting
was to set a date to have a baptism on the 1st, and then when a few
weeks went by and we didn't have anyone at church, we kind of
subconsciously gave up on that goal. So we decided that we needed to
keep going for that goal, so on Saturday we tried to make some inspired
plans of who to see, and literally no one was home, that we planned to
see, so we decided to knock a few doors, and I remembered that the
street we were on used to have a member that lived there. So we knocked
on that door, and there was this 18 year old guy who told us that it was
is new year's resolution to be baptized this year!! What the?! And
apparently his older sister is a member. So it was pretty nuts. We are
going back to teach him on Wednesday!
decided to pray and fast yesterday that someone would be put in our
path at church. So we were at church yesterday and it was our ward
conference, so there were heaps of people there. We had a huge feed at
the end of it, and we saw a few unfamiliar faces so we talked to a few
of them, and one of them looked like they were a member just visiting
from another ward or something, but then they actually were friends of
the members!
weren't members so we got talking to them and we found out that they
live in our area! It's a whole family! A mom and 5 girls! What the
miracle! They told us that they loved church and that they want to learn
more! Honestly, that one just fell out of the sky!! So we are teaching
the Tanga family on Tuesday. They are Cook islanders, and they are cool!
so grateful to have been able to serve here. There are countless things
I have learned from so many different sources, like my companions and
my mission president, but mainly from my relationship with God and
Christ. They are real. I've come to the honest conclusion that either
this is the full package of truth and happiness, or that the full
package doesn't exist. The greatest thing that has helped me to believe
in and trust in God is actually the changes I've been able to see in
myself and in others from following what he asks us to do. You naturally
have greater hope and direction when you are clean from sin. I've been
the happiest since I've been here than I have my whole life because
gradually and steadily my focus has shifted from myself to others. The
Atonement of Christ is real because I have felt the effects of it in my
life. I plan on becoming more and more like him. This mission has been
the greatest kick start of becoming one of his disiciples.
you all! Thank you for your love and letters and putting up with all of
the emails that I probably haven't responded to. ;)
Love Elder Beeson
G'day everyone!
week was a pretty interesting! We had some cool things happen this
week, which was good because last week was pretty rough to be honest.
went on a few exchanges. I went with Elder Noble on one of them, and we
were walking everywhere, and so we decided that we would go "inspired
tracting" along the way, but really we were just knocking all the doors
that had flip- flops out front so we could find some Phillipinos for him
to teach! And guess what? We didn't find Phillipinos to teach!
we did find different Asian people who are pretty keen. We found a
Indonesian family who has been looking for a church to go to, and a
Malaysian dude who was keen to read the Book of Mormon. So yeah moral of
the story, is that flip flop tracting is great ( the flip flops have to
be small though ;) )
also exchanged with Elder Tilivarua from Fiji this week. He's so
funny. We were biking back to the flat for lunch, and we contacted this
guy from Pakistan. He was pretty chill, and took a Book of Mormon, then
he let us inside, and he's kind of a real health nut, so he pulled out
all of these healthy things, and one of the things he pulled out was
this apple cider vinegar, and he told us that it makes you skinny, so Elder Tilivarua wanted to have some because he's already gained some
weight, and just after he drank it, I noticed on the bottle it said that
it was naturally fermented..... buuuuuuuuuut we found out that it
didn't actually have alcohol in it, so that's good! We had glow
in the dark volley ball that night... it was alright.
next morning, Elder Torrie and I decided to go to kind of this bush
looking area, so we went and in between houses, this guy drove past us
then pulled over, and asked if we were Mormons, and we said yes then he
asked if we wanted to have a chat! We went over and he
asked us quite a few questions, then we asked him questions as well, and
we found out that he is actually going to bible school right now to
become a Lutheran pastor!
We then spent the next 2 hours
talking about grace. It was hard to understand his definition of it all,
and we ended up giving him a Book of Mormon, but yeah then we had a comp study about the whole thing afterwards, and we realized that
we didn't understand each other, because we had different understandings
of the plan of salvation. Wayyyy different. I get how to
explain grace to people now heaps better than I did before!
yesterday we had S and T come to church! What a miracle! It's the
2nd time that is happened in my 3 and a half months being here! wooooo
This week I definitely learned how blessed we are to have the plan
of salvation. It is so hard to understand a number of things that
happen in life when you don't have a knowledge of the plan. But since we
know it, it puts everything into proper prospective. The gospel is soo
Love you all!
Love Elder Beeson :)
Monday, June 12, 2017
Dear family and friends,
weekend was actually pretty full of opposition! I would definitely say
it was one of the harder weeks of my mission, but nonetheless, I am
still happy to be here serving! I'll share a little bit of what
happened this week though, just so yous know whats going on here!
one super keen guy that we picked up a week or two ago, the Iranian guy
with dreads dropped us, and he left a note with the book of Mormon
outside his door, saying he didn't want to see us anymore.
Then the girl
that was looking like she was super keen to be baptized, randomly moved
to Mandurah, then the family that was supposed to be baptized a few
weeks back now, have moved, and we don't know where they are, then the
cool Maori guy we were teaching is out of credit on his phone, and his
family doesn't know where he is, and then the worst one was yesterday at
We had our investigator come to church yesterday that we
tracted into a weeks back, and we were so pumped/ shocked he made it, so
during sacrament meeting, we told him that church was 3 hours, and he
thought we were joking, but then we went to gospel principles, and he
was looking super bored, then after that, as we were going to
priesthood, I had to go to the bathroom, and so we told him we would be
right back, and then literally one minute later we came back, and he was
gone! We went to the car park, and his car was gone too! haha he
literally peeled out and got away, so we shot him a text, and said that
we would catch up with him during the week, but he texted back and swore
at us and said he didn't believe in anything that was being taught.
hahah.. yeah so that was pretty stink.
all of this, on Saturday, K was baptized. She was the lady
that Elder Moller and I tracted into about 6 weeks ago. it was the first
time that door knocking has ever yielded a baptism for me. So that was
my tender mercy of the week.
looking forward to smashing things this week though, get to start fresh
with a new teaching pool! Elder torrie and I had a good talk about all
of it last night, and we feel blessed to have a new start! it's going to
be a sweet week! love it!
Love you all
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Today at 12:38 AM
last week and a half was super eventful. so eventful that I can hardly
remember what happened... so this may be a lot shorter than what
actually happened.
were a few curve balls that happened this week.Some things didn't go as planned. Enough said there.
had zone conference this week, and with that we had the Kalgoorlie
Elders come in. Super good conference! We were supposed to take the
Kalgoorlie elders back to the train station the next morning after the
conference, but the traffic was INSANE getting up to the city, and so we
literally got there Just as the train was pulling out! haha so yeah,
the next train to Kal didn't leave until Saturday morning, and so we had
them with us for an extra 2 days! wooo!! hahahaha ALL of our food was
smashed(gone) by then though.
yeah we had 2 other exchanges this week. Just been smashing the finding
as always. We've had some pretty cool stuff happen though! There
was this one dude that I contacted on exchanges AGES ago, but I told
Elder Torrie that he should try to see these guys, so he went and he met
this girl that lives there, and yeah Elder Torrie has taught her 2 more
times on exchanges, and she is suuuuuuuuuuuper duper keen to be
baptized. She brought it up herself, so we set a goal of baptizing her
on the 1st of july! Woooo! but long story short, I learned that
there is always value in talking with everyone, because it can lead to
opportunities down the road!
I felt inspired to set a goal that for the rest of my mission I am
going to give at least 1 book of Mormon out a day, and yeah so far so
good! haven't missed a day yet, then again it hasn't hit a pday with
that goal yet, so we'll see how we go ;) But it has been super cool to
have that be the focus, because at the end of the day, if people know
the Book of Mormon is true, and actually apply the principles contained
in it, they will draw nearer to God by reading and applying than by
doing anything else. So basically, giving out book of Mormons with
specific passages to read I have found is pretty much the best way of
planting the seed within others. I looooooove the Book of Mormon.
loooove it
yeah I can't remember anything else that happened this week. but there was good stuff I promise!
Love you all
Love Elder Beeson

Elder Macki, my son. Elder Ramsay from Kalgoorlie, and temple pday baby!
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