Monday, May 1, 2017

Hey family and friends,
This week was a bit hectic. lots of interesting things went down. lots of opposition, but still a good week :)
We just did HEAPS of tracting throughout the week. I love it though. nothing like teaching and testifying on the door step :)
We found this one lady while tractting. She said that she had a friend that she once saw was reading the Book of Mormon, and she wanted to read it as well, but then she ended up graduating before the girl could give her a copy. So yeah obviously we gave her a copy, and we shared with her a brief passage from Ether 12 that she then shared her insights from. She was suuuuper keen to read it though. Then we got a call from some of the other elders and they were having a pretty rough argument so we went down there and helped them out, and then yeah we had to rush another elder to the hospital this morning for gall stones. So just lots curveballs thrown this week. But good week nonetheless :)
I am kind of in a rush right now, but I am just so grateful for the restoration of the gospel, and it just feels so good to boldly say that I know Joseph Smith is a prophet and the Book of Mormon is true, because the spirit has told me so. Love it! love you all

love Elder Beeson

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