Friday, May 12, 2017

Far out folks. This week was miraculous. Crazy stuff happened this week.
So that girl that I was emailing about last week that we found who was wanting to read the book of Mormon is being taught by the sisters now, and has a baptismal date set for next month! WOOOOOOO! I was super pumped about that.
Also, one of the elders in the district got his gallbladder taken out  this week, and so we had to take one of their appointments. We saw their investigators, C and T from New Zealand. Elder Daniels and I actually just contacted them on the street a few weeks back on exchanges. haha the initial contact with them was pretty funny, because we were just tracting, and then in between doors, we saw them walking, and C was wearing a beanie, and looked pretty suspicious, and T was pregnant ( at the time) and so we talked to them and asked if they believed in God and stuff, and Cjust told us straight up, "nah man, I'm a druggie." then his partner was like, "yeah we don't really believe in anything." hthen I just asked him if he was wanting to give up the drugs before baby was born, and he said that he would, but he doesn't think he can do it. Then we told him that we were keen as to help him out. So he gave us their address, and we didn't think too much of it. Then after that the elders later went over there and started teaching, and apparently C quit EVERYTHING cold turkey. 
So yeah he has been clean for like 4 weeks now. crazy. So we took their appointment with them, and we taught them pretty much all three lessons, and man they were feeling the spirit super strong, and so we invited them to be baptized, and C said, "You can count on it bro, I'm feeling it. " they are shooting for the 17th of June!! WOOOOOO!!   they are so cool.
 So that was something cool.
Then on Saturday we FINALLY set an official wedding and baptismal date for our investigator T. She's getting married to S, which is this dude I've known from literally day one of my mission.
Then on Monday we finally got to go around and teach this family that has been coming to church for the past few weeks, that leaves before we get to talk to them. it's the F family. they are a Maori family. So we went there and taught the plan of salvation, and we found out that the wife was actually baptized when she was eight. So then naturally her 9 year old daughter asks about baptism, and then we naturally extended the invitation for the rest of the family to be baptized! and they all said yes to the 3rd of June! WOOOOOOOOO!! So that will be the husband, and four of their daughters being baptized on that day. SUCH a miracle!!!!
Then yesterday during our weekly planning, we got a call from one of the ward missionaries, and he told us that one of the sisters that used to serve here has been talking with one of the investigators she used to teach, and she told the ward missionary that she feels like this investigator is ready to be baptized now. So we went over to his house, and literally as we walked up to his car port he just pulled in, and so we had a lesson with him outside, and invited him to be baptized, and he said yes! for the 17th of June! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! so yeah. MIRACULOUS  week.
We had a MLC on Friday last week, and we were talking about how we need to change the culture of the mission, and start talking about baptism HEAPS more. and so that's what our focus has been, and now look, lots of people are keen to be baptized. amazing. miracles.
So yeah I guess the biggest lesson I learned this week is that it is important to make sure that our focus is on the right thing. Our happiness level has everything to do with what we are focusing on. So if we focus on nasty thoughts and nasty things, then we are going to be feeling nasty. but if we focus on Christ and his gospel, which is all meant for us to find real peace, and real happiness, then we will have real peace and real happiness!

Loving the work soooooooooooo much right now.

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