Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blessed Phillipinos and JW's

Hello family and friends!
This week was pretty good! Lots of things building step by step!
On Monday we met and taught some of the As family friends. it was a Phillipino couple that I actually was there for when they had their wedding back in April ( haha I've been here sooooooo long, but I love it ;) :) )

It was awesome! we saw them on Wednesday as well. It's funny because Elder Sto Tomas taught in Tagolog for the majority of it, but then in the middle of his teaching I had the prompting to draw a simple drawing to explain the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation, and the Godhead all in one. So I drew it and right as I was about to tell them about it, Amy asked, "What's the Holy Ghost?" haha I guess it was inspired ;) either that or I'm subconsciously fluent in Tagolog ;)
We had another Phillipino couple that we taught that the A's referred to us! Elder Sto tomas taught in Tagolog again! but it was an awesome visit, B was in tears after talking about families :)

We've also been teaching a 75 year old man named G. He is super humble. He takes notes as we teach him. haha he is having the JW's teach him as well though! He committed to be baptized, but he has a long way to go in his understanding.

I went on exchanges with Elder Hunter on Friday! We tracted the entire day! We just took the bus, and got off at a random stop and just tracted from then until it got dark! It was so fun! the first door we knocked on was a JW, she was not keen, but we asked her about her neighbors, and she told us her next door neighbor was being taught by the JW's right now, so we went next door, and the lady is keen for us to come back! :) We met heaps of cool people. We met a Romanian lady on the street, and she told us that the world needs stronger families based on the teachings of Christ! We told her that that is EXACTLY what we teach! So we got a return appointment to teach her and her kids and husband! We also found a dude named T who is super keen to read the Book of Mormon, and so we are going back to see him tomorrow!

On Saturday the weather was pretty cabbage. It's a good thing though because people feel bad. Like we saw this potential that Elder Sto tomas found 2 weeks ago on exchanges, and the partner dude answered instead, and he was just swearing at us and telling us that we need to get a life, and we just kept listening to him, he told us his dog died last week, and that times were tough, and it kind of softened his heart seeing us listen to him. So he let us in. It was a mad house in there though! They had 3 boys running around screaming, the TV turned up all the way, and a drunk guy with a parrot on his shoulder, which was flying around all over the place. I felt comfortable though, because the guy  looked like my cousin Elliot, so I just talked to him as if he were my cousin!  We ended up sharing a thought ( instead of having a lesson because it was madness there) and left a Book of Mormon, and he wants us to come back anytime. He really enjoyed us there! haha It will take a lot of changes for him, but he has a good heart :)

We also saw R this week, and he has been making some changes! We invited him to read the Children's Book of Mormon with his son every night before going to bed. He has been praying with his wife and son everynight for the past few weeks, and he says he can feel the difference within himself and within his home! Sooooooo super cool :)

I love this area!! I don't ever want to leave!! I've been here since January, and I keep telling people I'll be here all year if they need me ;) hahah but really ;)

Love you all, choose the right!

love Elder Beeson

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