Monday, July 11, 2016

One year down!!

Dear Family and friends,
 I don't have much time today, but I will give you a quick low down on how the week went! It's already been a year!! Far out!! 

I'll  just give you the highlights:
-We had an awesome baptismal Service with S. She bore a powerful testimony at the end, and it was cool because our south African investigator tried to drop us, but then he ended up coming, and now we have a dinner appointment with him with celestial south African family in the ward! 
-Zone conference was awesome. Talked a lot about the kind of faith that CAUSES things to happen. Awesome awesome.
-Friday was my year mark so of course we went to uncle nazzah's!! ( nandos ;) ) We also saw our investigator D who wants to join the church, and apparently her husband chatted with someone on and now he is keen to join the church as well!! We have a lesson with them on Tuesday and will hopefully commit the entire family to baptism :) the daughter even had a dream they moved to Utah!! haha
-Sunday we had quite a bit of opposition. Our 2 baptismal dates didn't come to church so we called them up after and they told us they weren't interested anymore even after all the fellowship and free meals the received from the members :( oh well. haha But then we got back to the flat last night and both of our bikes were stolen. 😲🌵 bummer. I wasn't as sad about this bike being stolen. I was more sad when my original was. ( the bike I had up until yesterday was elder Tutton's.) They literally climbed on to our balcony and threw them both over the fence and took off. our upstairs neighbour told us. hahaha But yeah 1 year down! I wish I had more time left!! I will maximise every second I have to make things happen here :) 

Love Elder Beeson

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