Sunday, July 3, 2016

Miracles Miracles

Dear Family and Friends,
This was quite a miraculous week. Very Miraculous!! Let me tell you what happened!
So on Monday night, we had a cottage evening at the Fs which is the most celestial family ever!! They are south African. Anywho, R our investigator came, and then The P's came in, and S ran up to me and told me that her dad gave her permission to be baptized!!!! :))))) We have been praying for this SPECIFIC miracle to happen for the past 3 months, and now her dad's heart is softened! Miracle!! She will be baptized this Thursday, the 30th :) 
She has asked that I baptize her. Soooo awesome. Then we had our cottage evening, and it went really well. We had a lesson on family prayer, and then elder Tutton was asked to bear his testimony for the last time. It was like a cottage evening/ a goodbye party for Elder Tutton, he was only here for 6ish weeks, and the Ward just loved him so much. D did a Haka for him. It was awesome, but pretty sad to see him go at the same time.
On Tuesday we had kind of an early transfer, I'm now with Elder Sto Tomas, and yeah things are happening already!!

We saw D who is this south African guy on Tuesday and Wednesday. We had a good lesson with him on Tuesday, and we found out his concern and so we invited him to read 2 Nephi 4, and so we came back the next day, and he read it, but he didn't understand the context, so we taught the entire restoration, and the lesson was awesome!! Elder Sto Tomas is an amazing teacher! He committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We will be seeing him with Brother L on Tuesday.  :)

Oh yeah on Wednesday, we met with A and D. They were the super keen ones that Elder tutton tracted into on exchanges. So we had a sit down talk/ lesson thing with them. A has been reading up on our church for the past 2 years, so he brought up a few anti Mormon things, but we resolved all of them pretty well, and then finally got to ask them questions. We had a good lesson on the atonement, and the Gifts it brings us. Since A works 4 weeks away and comes home for only a week every four weeks, we won't be able to teach him until the end of July. But he gave us permission to teach D and her daughters while he is gone. It'll be awesome!! We will see them at the start of school holidays next week.

On Thursday, we went over with Sister F again to see R and her Daughter B. We taught the Godhead, and they received it really well. We taught The Who, what, When, where, why , and how of each of the memebers of the godhead, so they could see the different roles. it was awesome! We later taught them again on Saturday, and we re-set R and set B on baptismal date for July 16th!! They were really excited, and so are we :))

On Friday we had a looooooooooooong lesson with E. He is our Peruvian investigator. We taught about the Priesthood, but he had an objection to like every single point we made. He was quite confounded with quite a few of the things we said about the Melchizidek Priesthood, but yeah, if every lesson goes how the one did on Friday, I think he might be an investigator for AGESSSSSSS. so yeah hopefully not.

On Saturday after our lesson with R and B, we were just about to go tracting, but elder Sto tomas had to use the toilet, so we went to brother Ks house, and I'm glad we did. He was telling us about his son that is in prison, and we got to do some real ministering. It was a really cool spiritual experience for us all.

Yesterday we had an awesome Sunday!! R and B both came to church, and so did the S family!! It was soooo good too see them all there. The S's came because Elder Sto Tomas was very bold in his invitation, and it's pretty hard to say no Elder Sto tomas ;)

After church I interviewed M for baptism ( someone the Butler Elders are teaching) it was awesome, He is sooooo prepared and ready. Then we had a lesson at the P's and The Elder's came over and did her interview as well, and she passed too!! :)) Very exciting :)

But yeah, lots is happening, it's tough to keep up with everything, but things are as they should be, and I love it :)

I looooooooooove the work. there is nothing better than being able to help someone feel the spirit. It gives them light, and you can see it in their eyes :)

Love you all

love Elder Beeson

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