Monday, March 14, 2016

Dear family and friends,
This week was the first time on my mission that I was sick. BUT, I'm better now :) I think I had strep or something like that. But anyways, let me share with you the highlights of the week:

On Wednesday we had exchanges with the North Beach Elders. I was with Elder Parry from Utah, and Elder Matautia was with Elder Collings from the UK. We did some service at M's house. We cleaned her windows, and did some weeding. We also organized her garage, we did all of it for her house inspection. Then that's when I started feeling sick, so we left and I took a nap during lunch, and I felt like crap! But then we got up and visited a few less actives and recent converts.

On Friday Elder Matautia and I were able to do baptisms at the temple with M and K! It was suuuuuuuuuuper cool. It was kind of a bummer for M for her first time only because when she showed her recommend apparently Bishop forgot to put a date on it, and so she had to wait ages!! But it ended up being amazing! The L's K's, and Sister A came, and Brother K and Brother S and D. It was just the best night! M said after that she felt like she was in a place where the angels walked. It was cool to see how strongly she felt the spirit there :) The spirit was strong.

On Thursday we had Stake Correlation with President Fife, and President Brodie. They are the best leaders. They just yearn to please Heavenly Father. After that meeting we went to teach N at M's house. (N is K's best friend) We had a good lesson on the Godhead. We invited her to be baptized, and she said that she would once she got an answer. She told us though that she is the type to completely commit to something once she knows for herself that it's the right thing for her! So she's looking pretty promising!  Then we had a quick kfc/ nandos dinner, it was awesome!

Elder Matautia and I have been suuuuuper motivated to find lately! I'm not sure where the motivation has come from, but it is awesome! I've never been happier on my mission that I am right now, and that's saying something!! We have been doing a lot of tracting, and though we haven't had too much come out of it yet, we are still pumped.

What I've learned this week, is that the more steps we take out of our comfort zone, the more the Holy Ghost will comfort us. I experienced this yesterday when we were tracting after church. We walked up to this house with heaps of cars in the front yard, and then someone walked out and we just took control of the situation and talked to him. We were able to ask some good questions and testify with each other. We knew that they were able to feel the spirit.

I love being a missionary. I loooooooove the work I love the people here and my companion, and I love Heavenly Father and all the experiences he has given me so far. I know that there are some big ones around the corner. I'm excited everyday to see what blessings are waiting for us, and to see what blessings we will be able to provide for others :)

I love ya'll

love, Elder Beeson

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