Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dear Family and Friends,
This week was a long one, but a good one :)
In our ward we started the 40 day fast! It has been pretty cool to see the things that have already come from it. So how it works is: there is a family that fasts for a day, and then breaks it, and then another family in the ward takes over the fast, and so the fast is never broken in the ward! It's pretty neat!

So on Monday, we went to N's house and had an AWESOME lesson with her. She told us that she prayed and she felt really good about it. She said a few prayers in fact, and she said one with her atheist partner! Then we were having a good lesson lead by a lot of good questions, and we got to the point in the lesson where we were talking about the importance of Christ. She said that she didn't really know why Christ was important. So we explained why, and then we asked her if she felt like she has been weighed down by things she has done in the past. She expressed how much she wanted to get rid of those things, then we asked her if we were to teach her how to get rid of those things, if she would listen to us. She said yes. 
So then we started talking about Baptism, and how Christ plays a role in baptism. So we invited her to be baptized, and she paused, and said, "If I were to make more mistakes after I was baptized, what would I do?" So we explained to her what she would do, and then we invited her again, and she said.... YES! It was awesome! the spirit was so strong, so we kind of knew she was going to say yes! Then we followed up with her yesterday ( her partner D he has had gastro for the past week) and she was down with Gastro :( haha but we will see her this week. She's soooooooo keen!

The Geraldton Elders came down from.. Geraldton for exchanges on Wednesday. We got to exchange with both of them! They are awesome! We had them down for mission conference as well! Elder Pearson came, and spoke right to my needs! it seriously helped me sooooooo much! not that I"ve been stuggling or anything, but it helped me focus a little more :) Then that night we went to M and K's house, and had a lesson with them and K's friend N. She's Indonesian as well, and she's pretty keen to learn! So we are teaching her now too!! I feel like that was another direct result of the fast as well. We also had to fast on that day because one of the members forgot to fast, so we did it to make up for it, and then out of nowhere this other recent convert, D gave us her friend to teach! So we will be going by this week! It's cool to see the miracles that fasting brings.

I love Merriwa! I think this'll be the area I will be most fond of after my mission, because everything is just the best!! I love my companion, the members, the recent converts, the investigators, my flat, and everything! It's the best being a missionary :)

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