Monday, March 20, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hey everyone!
This week was pretty good! It went by suuuuuuuuuuper duper fast, and we had a pretty stinking amazing miracle this week!
There have honestly been so many general authorities in Perth over the last few weeks. We had Elder Renlund, Elder Hallstrom, Elder Nielson, Elder O'reardon, and this week we had Elder Cardon of the Seventy come. It was awesome, we had an MLC with him, and he gave us some awesome ideas of how we can better work in our wards. Then he came to zone conference as well. suuuuuuuper good!

On Thursday we had to go to the chapel to set everything up, so we went there after picking up the Kalgoorlie elders from the train station, and we saw this Maori dude just sitting under a tree right out front of the chapel. We told him he could come in if he wanted to have some air con, but he said that he was all good, so we went in and were setting up, then about 5 minutes later we heard a knock on the door so we went out, and it was the Maori dude! He asked us, "Hey do you guys have like a preacher or someone I can talk to? I've just have had heaps of stuff on my mind lately."

So we told him that he could talk to us, and yeah he opened up, and was just saying how he really feels like he wants to have a fresh start, and that he has made some bad choices in the past that he wants to get rid of, and how he wants to find more purpose in life, etc. and yeah it was amazing!! So we took him on a chapel tour and taught him about Christ, and the Atonement, and yeah we ended in the baptismal font room, and invited him to be baptized, and he said yes! He said he wants to be baptized on the 2nd of April!! woooooooooo! crazy cool miracle. We had to hand him off to the Rocky West elders though, because he's not in our area :/ but it's all good, it's all one work :)

I'm loving this ward though, there are heaps of islanders Maori's, there are HEAPS of Cookies ( cook islanders) they are super cool. They have these drums that I'm going to jam on someday ;)
I love the area, my companion, the zone, Everything! things are awesome :) This week I've reflected heaps about how lucky I am to be a missionary, and so I've just tried to embrace every minute of it this week, and it has made the work even better :) Love you all!

Love Elder Beeson

Monday, March 6, 2017

An Aborigine hand painted my personal scriptures!

Meeting Elder Renlund

Baldivis Baby!

G'day family and friends!

This week was amazing!!! It honestly felt like we finally hit a bit of an Oasis after this transfer of a desert. Super good week :)

This week we have had a super cool miracle still in the process of developing. So on Monday we visited the H 's a returning member/ recent convert family, and the Dad's parents have moved in for good to help them raise their kids. The parents of the dad ( the parents names are G and E)  have been really nice and respectful whenever we share anything, but nothing has been softening their hearts to actually learn.. UNTIL.. they had a death in the family this last weekend.

A distant relative committed suicide last weekend :( and they were doing heaps of funeral stuff over the weekend. And so in the middle of some small talk we were having, E just speaks up and says, "Is it still possible for my grandson to still be saved, even though he committed suicide?" and we told her that yes, it is possible!
 She was super teary eyed as she asked it, and so we took that opportunity to teach the plan of salvation, and we taught the whole thing, and it was good, but when we finished it up, I had a feeling that we should go more into depth with the spirit world, and so we talked about the temple, and about doing baptisms for the dead, and that was what ended up connecting with them the most! Then we felt prompted to invite them to be baptized and they both said that they would once the feel of what we said is true! ( hahah I already know that they know it's true ;) ). We had another lesson with them on Thursday as well and the Spirit was suuuuuuuuper strong as we taught the Godhead, reviewed the Plan of Salvation, and taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the end of the lesson, all of the H girls came in for the closing prayer! That has NEVER HAPPENED!  Suuuuuper cool.

Elder Aldous ( my former comp) and I went on exchanges on Wednesday, and we had a pretty cool 4th floor last door experience! We had about 20 minutes until lunch time, and we could have easily just gone back to the flat for lunch, and used the 20 minutes to spare as travel time, but we planned to tract, so we decided that we would stick with the plan and tract it out! We tracted out this cul-de-sac. and literally no one was home, because it was like the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Then we got to the last house on that little street, and this guy was polishing his car, and when we approached him, he said that he was impressed with us for having patience to go from door to door with no one answering, so we got talking to him for a bit, and then his partner came out, and she just started asking heaps of really good questions about Christ, and our church, and so anywho, long story short, they let us in, and we were able to teach repentance, and the Atonement. Super cool simple experience that just has strengthened my testimony about being diligent :)

On Saturday we had mission conference with Elder Renlund. It was amazing! There were heaps of things that he said that just spoke to my heart. I honestly feel like he is the apostle I connect with the most, not because he came to our mission, but from the talks I read from him in preparation for his coming, and from just how he acted when he was here, I feel like I connect with him :)

Yesterday we had a special stake conference with Elder Renlund, and it was good we had 5 of our investigators come to it! G and E were there, and they were super intrigued by everything he said. I got to shake hands with him 2 more times on Sunday ...:)

Then I got a call from President during MCM that I am going to be transferred. I'm going down to Rockingham zone to serve in Baldivis! Woooooooooo!! My new companion is Elder Mollar from New Zealand. super pumped to serve with him. I'm for sure going to miss this ward, I've literally spent half of my mission here, but I'm super excited for a fresh start :)

Something I learned this week is of the power of fasting and prayer. When we fast and pray with absolute confidence that God will bless us with what is needed, then he WILL bless us with what is needed, and often miracles are needed, and that's what happened this week. I love this work, can't get enough of it!

Love you all!
love Elder Beeson