Thursday, June 9, 2016

Shark Attacks, Rain Storms, Egyptian Orthodox, My Spanish Stinks!

Dear family and friends,
WHAT A WEEK!!! Far out this week was awesome!! I'm not sure where to even start!

We went on exchanges with the Geraldton Elders for a few days, that was a treat, because Elder Impas is the phillipino Version of my brother Jack! hahah he had the funniest sense of humor, but was really quiet about it. It was awesome.

On Friday we were tracting and we met this Egyptian Orthodox Christian lady named I. She looks south American but she's Egyptian. Anywho, we got a return appointment in the next morning, and so we came back with an Arabic Book of Mormon, and she fed us sweet potato! haha She's the coolest! We also caught up with our Banglidesh investigators on Saturday, they are really excited to come to  church this next Sunday! super excited for that!

On Sunday apparently there was a shark attack IN OUR AREA!!!!!!!! It was off of Mindarie beach, apparently this 60 year old lady was diving with her diving friend, and a great white ate her! so sad! :( the great white was 5.3 meters long, that's like 18 feet long!!!!!!!! My goodness gracious.

On Monday we tracted for 4 hours and found 1 potential haha! It was this Japanese rugby player, but he said he was super keen to learn more and come to church. Nice! We had a dinner at the C's with Brother G. Sister C is the best, she always makes super American food to make me feel at home ;) She made Jumbalaya with corn bread and it was awesome!!

Now Tuesday and Wednesday, the past two days have been pretty miracle packed, and awesome! So we exchanged with the Balcatta Elders, it was raining sooooooo hard the entire day. But yeah I was with Elder Collings, and we went to I's house, we couldn't go in because her husband wasn't home, so she brought out some chairs for us to sit on while the rain was coming down, she gave us some biscuits, and then she went inside, for a while and we both thought that she was making us some tea or coffee or something, so we were discussing how we could reject it in the nicest way possible! haha but it turns out she was just chilling inside, she just gave us those chairs and biscuits to have so we could wait out the storm! haha So we literally waited for like 25 minutes.

Then we tried a potential Elder Matautia and I found 2 transfers ago named S, she is a Chilean lady with a massive house, she let us in her little patio thing, and we had a really good talk with her, she really wanted us to come back, I spoke a little bit of Spanish to her, but I'm so bad haha but yeah it was still awesome. Then we had to drop the other elders off at a teaching appointment. Elder Tutton and Elder Parry taught someone Elder Tutton tracted into last week, who is suuuuuuuper duper keen. She said that she has been waiting for Mormon missionaries to knock on her door, and she has 4 kids, is MARRIED ( that's the real miracle) and she and her husband want to join the church!!! how amazing!! There are a few other minor things that happened on that day but that was the cool stuff from Tuesday.

Then yesterday, oh man, it was awesome!!!!!! We were texting just about every single person in the ward to ask if they could come and teach with us this lady that Elder Tutton and Elder Parry found on exchanges the day before. Last minute brother A said he could come. So we went there, and we met this lady, her name is N, she is a former JW, but is really in need of a change in her life because she has been in an abusive relationship for a long time, so yeah, we taught her, and she is soooooo excited to get to know a new community, because from her point of view, she really wants to come back to church because she knows it's right and that it'll help her, but she doesn't want to go to the kingdom hall! But yeah she has been pretty dang prepared.
Later that day, we visited a pretty ambiguous referral that we got from Sister G  the day before. She told us to go visit this south American family, so we knocked on the door and this Peruvian man named E answered the door, he let is in straight away ( my goodness if I served in south America, I would love it ;0 ) We started talking and he was really nice, but then all the sudden, he got a call from his wife, and he had to go pick her up, so he told us to come back in 20 minutes. So we tracted for a bit and met a solid potential from Malaysia, then we came back and he let us in again, I was intrigued by their piano, and then I told them that I play, so I played for them, and they loved it! Elder Tutton and I also spoke a little bit of Spanish to him, but we stunk haha! Then E's daughter played for us a song she made up it was really good actually, then E just started asking us questions, he asked us about the Book of Mormon, and then we ended up teaching pretty much the entire Restoration. He was in awe because he has been a catholic his whole life, but he hasn't really believed it, and everything we taught him lined up with what he has believed his whole life, like he believes that the godhead is three separate beings, and he also believes that god speaks to all of his children, needless to say, we have a return appointment with him and he is ALSO married and has 4 kids baptismal age!

We've been finding some solid families this week!! What a blessing it is to serve up here. I honestly never want to leave this area, I want to finish my mission in Merriwa!!

Elder Beeson

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