Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7th

G'day family and friends, 
This week was something else. We biked sooooooo so so so much. The thighs are strong.

Here are a few experiences of the week:
We had a referral from a member in the ward to see this kid named RS. Sister Richards told us that he lived on the street right behind the Sikh temple. She didn't know the exact address to his house, so she said to look for a post van on outside the house.There weren't any post vans outside... and there were like 40 houses on the street! So we got to the end of the street and I said a tiny quick little prayer in my head to know which house it was, and I found myself staring at this one house, and it just seemed like it was the house we needed to go to! 

So we knocked on the door, and this black girl from Zimbabwe answers, and we start talking, and then as we are talking to her, I started to realize that this kid is probably black, because I realized that RS is probably a black name, haha so I asked if R was there, and she was like, "oh that's my brother! He's not home right now though." What the heck?! that was pretty neat. 
We gave her a book of Mormon, and she thanked us sincerely for it! What a treat! So I learned how to recognize the spirit in a different way this week! :)

A few days later, we were going to see this less active lady who we never met before, so we got to her house, and knocked on the door, but it looked like an abandoned house. Then we realized that there were two houses that had the address 11 on it it was 11 and 11a. So we tried 11a, and that one looked abandoned too! So we tried it anyway, and yeah no one was home. Then as we were about to bike away, Elder Macki noticed that one of the nearby neighbours had opened their blinds on their house, so we knocked on the door, and This really nice lady answered. She told us that both of the houses were abandoned and that no one lived there for a few months. But then we got talking with her and she said that one of her really good friends was a Mormon. So we talked about that and we got talking about what she believed. It led into how the only way we can know of spiritual truths is through prayer.  She was VERY satisfied by that answer.She also told us that she could heal people! haha that was interesting, but we told her that we believe in healings, so she was happy we accepted her haha! but yeah, She said we can come back sometime to teach her! 

Other than that, just heaps of biking. On Friday I did the math and we literally did around 35 K's! woooo!!

I hope you are enjoying the winter! CTR!!

love, Elder beeson

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